What would you do if you won the lottery(one billion)?


Someone in Vacaville, CA had 5 numbers right. That's, like, a million dollars, I believe, if you have the Powerball number.

Miss Vicky??

I'm with Nausicaa, I have fantasized about an entire house with impact windows . I would plan a MoFo retreat, because acts of kindness for randos (really, you don't know any of these people) are the best. One stateside and one abroad.

My one big want (well besides having a copper roofed home ) would be a restaurant. Overpay for the primo location, overpay for the design and implement the highest quality (and surely cost in-efficient) standards I could. Adopt an employee pay and wellness model like Costco. All the employees would earn a living they could buy a home and support a family with.

It would be a delight. I would strive to reach a level of quality on par with El Bulli and not worry about the money.

Money may not buy happiness, but lack of it sure doesn't help.

I'm with Nemanja, I have fantasized about an entire house with impact windows. I would plan a MoFo retreat, because acts of kindness for randos (really, you don't know any of these people) are the best. One stateside and one abroad.
I'd probably do this as well, but it would be one big get together, with airfare and hotel paid by me for all the big names on MoFo.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I would disappear completely. If I suddenly stop showing up here on the forum after tonight, I won the Powerball.
Oh no you wouldn't You'd do this if you won the powerball.

All of Me (2015) trailer 2 minutes

I'm with Nemanja, I have fantasized about an entire house with impact windows. I would plan a MoFo retreat, because acts of kindness for randos (really, you don't know any of these people) are the best. One stateside and one abroad.
I'd probably do this as well, but it would be one big get together, with airfare and hotel paid by me for all the big names on MoFo.
I need to work on getting my handle capitalized.

Oh no you wouldn't You'd do this if you won the powerball.
I know. There would probably be an immediate parade in the streets followed by a massive world tour.

I'd probably do this as well, but it would be one big get together, with airfare and hotel paid by me for all the big names on MoFo.
That would be a huge waste of money, you'll find out.

To hell with a MoFo Convention. I'll be at the Playgirl Mansion.

I feel like at a MoFo convention, the all-stars would be totally different people than the all-stars on the board.

I feel like at a MoFo convention, the all-stars would be totally different people than the all-stars on the board.
What would everybody be doing there? I'd be getting drunk and hating on whoever won the money.

I'd never give them another rep point.

They'd probably buy me a giant gong and I'll be pissed that all I got was a giant gong.

I'd find someone to ramble to about movies and music and get annoyed by anyone who interrupted my rambling.

I'd find someone to ramble to about movies and music and get annoyed by anyone who interrupted my rambling.
Then I'd realize there's too many people, so I'd shut up and sit in a corner, have a panic attack, get a headache and want to leave.

Then I'd realize there's too many people, so I'd shut up and sit in a corner, have a panic attack, get a headache and want to leave.
I'd ask the lottery winner to pay you to not take your meds before the convention so I could watch you have a schizophrenia meltdown. I'll also ask that professional cameramen are around to film the whole thing so we could have a documentary.

I feel like at a MoFo convention, the all-stars would be totally different people than the all-stars on the board.
I don't know. I feel like after 6.5 years, my MoFo persona isn't much different than my real one. Maybe it's different for other people.

Master of My Domain
They'd probably buy me a giant gong and I'll be pissed that all I got was a giant gong.
How about a china to a go along with that gong?