
Sure is... Silly pictures or silly animal pictures....
That is becoming your thing.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I never liked the show "Monk" .. I found him a bit annoying.....

I know he was a bit annoying, but so is Sheldon. And somehow I can relate to both of them, so I must be annoying too. (Just ask SC. I'm sure he'll agree that I'm annoying. )

I know he was a bit annoying, but so is Sheldon. And somehow I can relate to both of them, so I must be annoying too. (Just ask SC. I'm sure he'll agree that I'm annoying. )
I think I relate to Sheldon because he's a scientist and a comic book geek... and I enjoy both things... plus we both look at the darker side of things....

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm finishing The Thief of Bagdad tonight. Pretty good so far.
I should know that movie but don't. Who is in it, what year?

I'm stuck in a musical rut and don't know what to do. I've been showing JJ my music and getting feedback and I am improving, but where I get stuck is the structure. For me it's like, melody/bass then drums and just adding on. The thing I love about artists like Flying Lotus and Aphex Twin is their songs constantly change and have news bits and stuff and are more complex. I want to be like that but I don't know how to go forward. Any tips?

I need to like, throw structure and repetition out the window and do nothing but new stuff every 4/4. Maybe that will get me out of my rut.

I'm stuck in a musical rut and don't know what to do. I've been showing JJ my music and getting feedback and I am improving, but where I get stuck is the structure. For me it's like, melody/bass then drums and just adding on. The thing I love about artists like Flying Lotus and Aphex Twin is their songs constantly change and have news bits and stuff and are more complex. I want to be like that but I don't know how to go forward. Any tips?

I need to like, throw structure and repetition out the window and do nothing but new stuff every 4/4. Maybe that will get me out of my rut.

Hey Swan, have you ever heard of great source to find new music.. to similar bands you already enjoy... I know you are a music person like I am... I use it and

actually there is an "" and "" as well.

I haven't, I will check it out. is a great site for similar artist... if you create an account, let me know. I will tag you as a friend.