North Korea threatens war over film


That isn't the title of the film but according to the BBC that lovely chappy Kim is not happy with the up coming film "The Interview" and has threatened war with the US if it is released, here is a trailer:

And here is the news story:

North Korea threatens war on US over Kim Jong-un movie

North Korea has promised "merciless" retaliation if a forthcoming Hollywood movie about killing Kim Jong-un is released, say agencies.

A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said in state media that the movie's release would be an "act of war".

He did not mention the title, but a Hollywood movie called The Interview with a similar plot is due in October.

Hollywood actors James Franco and Seth Rogen star in the action-comedy film.

They play a talkshow host and his producer who are invited to interview Kim Jong-un, and are subsequently recruited by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to assassinate the leader.

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Now it does seem very extreme of the bloke to threaten war over being mocked in a film however they have to have known that this had the potential to stir up a lot of anger and hate. I remember when I watched "Death of a President" which was basically aimed at George Bush many people were rightly upset about it. I never liked Bush but putting a story of his death on screen in a very real fashion is something I felt uncomfortable with.

What do you think though? Is it okay to mock him in such a way? Is this just a comedy and therefore it is okay or should they take this with a lever of severity?
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews:

I was ready to bomb people after I saw The Waterboy, so I get it.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

North Korea wants war with the US over this movie, but I didn't hear a peep from Kim Jong Il over Team America World Police? This new guy is a baby!
That's because Kim Jong Il probably loved Team America.

The Waterboy is a modern classic. An almost explicit dialectic analysis of though criticizing the post modern sensibilities of contemporary (1998) Hollywood comedy by reproducing all of it's tropes with a subtle layer of self conscious sarcasm, simultaneously reconstructing the genre and criticizing it. It took contemporary 1990's American comedy forward to new perspectives still to be completely explored while succeeding in terms of its less ambitious elements.

Don't worry about it. Remember this?

And for those who don't know the story of how one Londoner pissed of a nation, here's the link.

BTW, the N.Korea embassy in London is a semi-detached house. I find that much funnier than I should.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

North Korea wants war with the US over this movie, but I didn't hear a peep from Kim Jong Il over Team America World Police? This new guy is a baby!
That's because Kim Jong Il probably loved Team America.
He's not seen it. He doesn't have any friends.. He's ronery. So very, very ronery.

North Korea needs stable leadership who will not go nuts over a flick.

And while we are at it I didn't here a peep over the Red Dawn remake either. I heard more people pissed of about that movie here in the states then overseas.

Unless their leader is completely retarded, which I can't exclude, North Korea won't touch America (or any part of the world for that matter), not even with one tiny finger. If they do, their little game of "playing communist nation" is simply over. I assume they are aware of that.

So, no problem here. We will all be able to enjoy this new Franco/Rogen comedy, because we live in a free world where political satire or controversial comedy is 100% allowed!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I used to be scared when North Korea threatened to go to war with us. Now it brings a little humor into my life and brightens my day up.

And while we are at it I didn't here a peep over the Red Dawn remake either. I heard more people pissed of about that movie here in the states then overseas.
It was China, but then the suits panicked, so everything was digitally altered to N.Korea.

So, no problem here. We will all be able to enjoy this new Franco/Rogen comedy, because we live in a free world where political satire or controversial comedy is 100% allowed!
Let's not go overboard. There won't be a war, but that won't make the film any better.

I don't know why everyone's talking about North Korea. The thread title clearly states North Koreo, that evil nation of cookie dictators.


Let's not go overboard. There won't be a war, but that won't make the film any better.
A film doesn't need to be good for it to be enjoyable.

Anyway, North Korea made sure this film is going to be a huge hit!

The day Honeykid is defending a new release




















his MoFo account has been hacked!