MoFo Big Brother 2


Not sure how to put one on here. Cause I've never done that before.
All you do is find a song on Youtube, get the link that takes you to the song by copying it, then paste the link in a post here and it automatically brings up the player and everything in the post.

Just need to see if I get songs from JayDee, JiraffeJustin, Godoggo and Teeter_G.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I've never paid attention to any of those song tournaments so don't really know what songs you like. I had the idea to post that song from Hedwig but that sneaky vixen Vicky beat me to it!

So I'm going to have to go gimmicky

This was my runner-up (unless you prefer it in which case it was my #1 choice! ) which should melt the heart of everyone who watches it

^Best novelty account on here. Better than any of the 10,000 SC has.
Sorry my English is not so good. What is this 'novely account' mean?

I'm just gonna accept any songs I manage to get from you guys. If you post more than one, okay then.

I will say that there IS a song I am already leaning towards. I'm just waiting to see if Teeter and Jiraffe post songs.