The MoFo Top 100 of the 80s: Countdown

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Alright, gonna watch Near Dark. Won't do a commentary just so you guys won't bitch. I'll be back to throw up in 90 minutes.

I really like Near Dark but did not care for Stranger Then Paradise. I feel asleep both times trying to watch it. I really wanted to like it since I enjoyed Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man so much. Maybe if I could stay awake I might actually like Stranger Then Paradise. Neither were on my list though.

God, do you have bad taste. This is a person who is crazy about They Live.
No, I have exquisite taste. Not that everyone else thinks so.
Who hasn't insulted Honeykid's tastes before? It's no secret that he loves Charlie's Angels.
I love it because it's brilliant... And because Drew looks so very, very good... and it's Charlie's Angels.

I'd do a commentary for Near Dark, but not tonight. Really not in the mood tonight.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I've seen 2 out of the 6

Hannah and her Sisters 8.5/10
Stranger than Paradise 7/10
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I remember buying Near Dark based on a recommendation of a user at a horror movie message board. I was 14 or so, bought it on dvd and loved Bill Paxton in it.

Caleb, those people back there, they wasn't normal. Normal folks, they don't spit out bullets when you shoot 'em, no sir.

Howdy. I'm gonna separate your head from your shoulders. Hope you don't mind none.

I hate 'em when they ain't been shaved.

Great flick.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Near Dark....

WARNING: "Near Dark" spoilers below
Give me a break! A blood transfusion can turn a vampire back into a normal person again? Another bending of the rules with vampires? Ooohhhhh.

Parts of it were good. Very sappy. First half hour dragged. I'm upset, though. On one hand, a happy ending was very nice. On another hand, it seems so cheap and easy and not exciting. Mainly 'cause a blood transfusion should not be able to cure being a vampire! If that's the case, why didn't the others just get a transfusion? This makes them outright killers who enjoy murdering and don't just do it to live. The little boy vampire (who I remember from the movie Teen Witch) said he hated being a grown man inside a boy's body -- why not get a transfusion, then, and grow into a grown man? It seems so cheap. It should be like HIV -- once you have it, you can't get rid of it. That's how vampires are supposed to be! Ron Woodroof and Rayon didn't get to get rid of their HIV in Dallas Buyers Club thanks to transfusions. Neither should these vampires be able to get rid of their vampirism.

I was rooting more for Caleb to finally accept his new vampire life and become loved by the vampire clan. When everything unraveled, I felt upset. And now he and Mae are normal? Dumb. Offensive.

Adrian Pasdar as Caleb was cute. I thought he kinda reminded me of Jake Gyllenhaal. Bill Paxton was OK. Lance Henriksen was really good.

That's about it! Not upset that it made the list, but there's so much better. Fools! All of you!

Yeah, well, if people keep wettin' their panties over it, I'm gonna hate it even more. It definitely isn't something spectacular.

That movie won the prize of science fiction media of the year in Japan. Here it got only 1 point, well, I didn't watch it yet.
See? In Japan, they worship American movies. They wish they were us.

I am more Japanese than any of you.

Me, obviously. I gave it 10 points or so.
That's a lie. We heard you gave it something like 2 points.

Daaaaamn, I received your PM, Skepsis, but totally forgot to send my list.

It would be something like that:

1. The elephant man
2. Grave of the fireflies
3. My neighbor Totoro
4. The Plague Dogs
5. Come and see
6. The name of the rose
7. Voyage to nowhere
8. The great mouse detective
9. Blade Runner
10. A short film about love
11. The Blues Brothers
12. My left foot
13. Crimes and misdemeanors
14. Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind
15. Star Wars episode V: The Empire strikes back
16. Castle in the sky
17. Blue velvet
18. The Holy Innocents
19. Amadeus
20. Balkan spy
21. The thing
22. The purple rose of Cairo
23. Back to the future
24. This is Spinal Tap
25. Videodrome

Now, on the actual list... wait, I haven't watched any yet!
OMG, now Ghibli films lost many potential points. It's possible that Nausicaa doesn't show up.