The 12th Hall of Fame


1 might be waay to violent
I wrote off one of the films I was thinking of for this reason. Also it was a bit long and I didn't have time to watch it again before deciding on a nomination.

Speaking of things I thought about nominating, I also kind of wanted to nominate something Canadian for once, but Cronenberg was the only Canadian director that came to mind. I think his films would be much better suited for a horror or sci-fi HoF, where his brand of body horror is likely to go over much better than in just a general HoF.

Also I can never get the names (and plots) of Cronenberg's films straight for some reason, other than the really odd ones like eXistenZ and Naked Lunch.

a great mix! Ive seen the grand budapest hotel & ive been trying to get a hold of y tu mami tambien for ages. El crimen del Padre Amaro/ the crime of father amaro was one of the movies i was thinking about nominating

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I haven't missed a general HOF since the first one. But I am going to skip this one just to catch a bit of a breather. I'll be back for HOF 13!

Trouble with a capital "T"
All of the noms look interesting, I've heard of some and been wanting to see them. But I've only seen 2 of the noms, besides my own nom.
The Grand Budapest Hotel

A nice variety of films!

Other than my nom, I've only seen Casablanca, City of Lost Children (which I've been meaning to watch again for awhile), and Y Tu Mama Tambien. I tried to watch Grand Budapest Hotel but turned it off because I didn't like it at all, but I'll definitely give it a fair second chance.

For those who have never heard of my nomination before (which I assume is all of you), Barbara is a film that takes place in a rural East German town in the early 80s. The titular character had applied for an Exit Visa to West Germany, and as a result is being punished and monitored by the Stasi. It's a drama, and is rather slow moving, so you might want to be prepared for that going in.