

Not trying to top Captain here, but an opposite take was reported today.

Italy’s Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported
New story link

In the town of Coccaglio, an hour’s drive east of here, the local nursing home lost over a third of its residents in March. None of the 24 people who died there were tested for the new coronavirus. Nor were the 38 people who died in another nursing home in the nearby town of Lodi.These aren’t isolated incidents. Italy’s official death toll from the virus stands at 13,155, the most of any country in the world. But that number tells only part of the story because many people who die from the virus don’t make it to the hospital and are never tested."
That is sad. Heard some discussion of Italy on the radio today - too much to summarize, but they mentioned "half measures" - good intentions, but in a situation where only carrying out prevention half way couldn't cut it. Sadly for Italy it was also a case of too little too late - they were blindsided, and for a nation of very gregarious, physical, close-knit, family & neighborhood-oriented people this virus was devastating.

New Borns are at risk during this time because a child not really got an immune system till after there first Shots. Toddlers and New Borns need watched really close now.
Fortunately I don't think this statement is generally true Ned. People under the age of 9 have the lowest death rate of any group, it's virtually zero, in fact I think it is literally 0 until this 6 week old story came along. It seems that babies are much less susceptible to catching the virus. That's not to say we shouldn't naturally be careful and cautious around young children with the virus of course.

The problem with the six week old story, and it's a problem with other stories that I see especially about young people "dying with coronavirus" is that the articles are always very unclear about their deaths. We should wait for the full facts. Just because a young person has coronavirus and dies, does not mean they have died from coronavirus. The media create headlines but we should wait for the full information and not panic to levels above what's necessary.

Another point about stockpiling as I know a few people have mentioned it again recently. I don't think it's actually much of a case of people stockpiling. I read some reports that start only a small percentage of shoppers have been doing this, and of course most stories now at leats in the UK have measures in place to prevent stuff. But if every single person who now enters a store buys even 1 toilet roll, as an example, you can see how they disappear much quicker than in normal circumstances.

Fortunately I don't think this statement is generally true Ned. People under the age of 9 have the lowest death rate of any group, it's virtually zero, in fact I think it is literally 0 until this 6 week old story came along. It seems that babies are much less susceptible to catching the virus. That's not to say we shouldn't naturally be careful and cautious around young children with the virus of course.

The problem with the six week old story, and it's a problem with other stories that I see especially about young people "dying with coronavirus" is that the articles are always very unclear about their deaths. We should wait for the full facts. Just because a young person has coronavirus and dies, does not mean they have died from coronavirus. The media create headlines but we should wait for the full information and not panic to levels above what's necessary.

Another point about stockpiling as I know a few people have mentioned it again recently. I don't think it's actually much of a case of people stockpiling. I read some reports that start only a small percentage of shoppers have been doing this, and of course most stories now at leats in the UK have measures in place to prevent stuff. But if every single person who now enters a store buys even 1 toilet roll, as an example, you can see how they disappear much quicker than in normal circumstances.

Then this has to do with some other part that we are missing cause a child shouldnt be immune cause there is no way a new kid can handle this kind of a virus attack out of the gate.

Lets just say in normal cases Baby and children normally be immune to it. Can it be possible the mom had it and it got into its blood stream before birth.

Sorry to anyone thinking im not just sickened by a baby having this and dying before living. I just have some many questions on how Virus work and just what people need figure out to save lives later on.

And the only way is figuring out the body and why people got sick or didnt.

Then this has to do with some other part that we are missing cause a child shouldnt be immune cause there is no way a new kid can handle this kind of a virus attack out of the gate.

Lets just say in normal cases Baby and children normally be immune to it. Can it be possible the mom had it and it got into its blood stream before birth.

Sorry to anyone thinking im not just sickened by a baby having this and dying before living. I just have some many questions on how Virus work and just what people need figure out to save lives later on.

And the only way is figuring out the body and why people got sick or didnt.
I think I read one theory that a low death rate in youngsters could be down to the fact that certain cells or systems haven't been developed to the extent they have in adults, so the virus can't use these in the way they normally would to attack the system.

Of course, we should be concerned and naturally cautious when it comes to spreading the virus, especially to young kids. I know a lot of people who have recently become parents and I know it must be a terrible time for them to start bringing up a child with so many concerns.

I'm just cautious over press reporting, if someone has the virus and dies, it doesn't necessarily mean that they died from the virus. I take headlines with a heavy pinch of salt. Definitely better though to be over cautious and not to take any risks.

You ready? You look ready.
Looks like the stimulus checks are going to go straight into our accounts through direct deposit information on file. That's going to be convenient. Wake up and woo! Money.

I already know what I'm doing with mine. Paying off the remainder amount of a loan. That'll put an extra $200 back in my pocket every month, so maybe I'll actually get ahead before the end of the year.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

This Muslim guy is deliberately wiping his nose with currency notes to spread coronavirus---coronajehad

There've been scattered reports like that all over--some crazy lady went into a grocery store in the US and coughed on food, so they threw it all out. Not sure it's significant on an individual basis, however.

So whats all that so called crap about Trumps people saying Trump wanted to sign ever stimulus check to every american if its all going direct deposit. Maybe we all get a letter for the president saying how much we will get.

Trouble with a capital "T"

This Muslim guy is deliberately wiping his nose with currency notes to spread coronavirus---coronajehad
There's no mention of the person's religion on the news story link that you posted. I watched the video but it's not in English so I don't know what he said. Do you?

Yeah, and I suspect that may have been why it was posted.

Making a call now: this thread is not for outrage porn. A lot of messed up things are happening, but they're thankfully rare, and full of misinformation, and there's little point in disseminating them except to get ourselves worked up. If we post any we might as well post all, and that's pointless.

Some numbers to put things in perspective...

Spanish Flu Pandemic Ends

By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end, as those that were infected either died or developed immunity.

Almost 90 years later, in 2008, researchers announced they’d discovered what made the 1918 flu so deadly: A group of three genes enabled the virus to weaken a victim’s bronchial tubes and lungs and clear the way for bacterial pneumonia.

Since 1918, there have been several other influenza pandemics, although none as deadly. A flu pandemic from 1957 to 1958 killed around 2 million people worldwide, including some 70,000 people in the United States, and a pandemic from 1968 to 1969 killed approximately 1 million people, including some 34,000 Americans.

More than 12,000 Americans perished during the H1N1 (or “swine flu”) pandemic that occurred from 2009 to 2010.

Here's a very good resource with a worldwide snapshot of the confirmed cases, kills, recoveries, and trajectory:

That last bit, the trajectory, is the key thing here. It's easy to have smallish numbers that are actually terrifying based on their rate of increase (200 doesn't sound like a lot, but if it comes the day after 100, which came the day after get the idea). Speed, too, since the biggest risk is overwhelming the health care system so that even OTHER things which are not normally fatal become so, simply because they can't be properly treated. Comparisons to other pandemics need to feature an equivalent amount of speed, because that seems to be the most important component of this.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
People close (friends, coworkers) keep falling back to "low numbers." If they stay low, great. I hope they do. But I always argue (argue is a strong word) that they need to be mindful of the scale at which those low numbers increase from day to day. They usually seem shocked and then agree that stay-at-home measures are a good idea. Next day? It's like we never had the conversation.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

The only way to get perspective on this illness relative to others is to post numbers about the infection and death rates are similar points in the process. And even that isn't really a meaningful comparison if one is far more contagious and spreading faster.

There's no mention of the person's religion on the news story link that you posted. I watched the video but it's not in English so I don't know what he said. Do you?
He is saying in hindi language that coronavirus has no cure . It is wrath of Allah for people like you.