MacGuffins: An Alfred Hitchcock Club


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Your one stop thread for club members to talk about the master of suspense. I wanted to get the ball rolling with some of these clubs and hope fully get some conversation started. I am going to do a viewing schedule for five Hitchcock movies in the hopes that people will watch and write some reviews. When the time period comes up a particular film I will make a thread for that film. I absolutely love the club set-up and hope things like this can keep our clubs relevant for many moons. I am going to give us two weeks before we start and I will only start a new film every two weeks. This should give everyone plenty of time to view and converse. I want to start with five of Hitchcock's big hitters because, frankly, I want to watch them again. I will also probably watch Hitchcock/Truffaut again before getting started. Highly recommended for anyone who wants some tid-bits to look out for during viewings.

Schedule I

Psycho (1960) Feb. 15-28
Vertigo (1958) March 1-14
Rear Window (1954) March 15-28
North By Northwest (1959) March 29- April 11
Dial M For Murder (1954) April 12-25

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good idea Sean. I had wanted to work more on my Hitchcock watching. Maybe this will get me inspired to do so. I will make an effort to watch those and in the order you have them.

Link to Clubs

Trouble with a capital "T"
Schedule I
Psycho (1960) Feb. 15-22
Vertigo (1958) Feb. 23- March 9
Rear Window (1954) March 10-24
North By Northwest (1959) March 25- April 8
Dial M For Murder (1954) April 9-23
I've only seen Psycho, Rear Window and North By Northwest once, so I'm stoked to watch them again! I don't even remember what North By Northwest was about, so I do need to see it

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I've only seen Psycho, Rear Window and North By Northwest once, so I'm stoked to watch them again! I don't even remember what North By Northwest was about, so I do need to see it
I thought you were in the HOF with Dial M, pretty sure you will love it. You gotta see Vertigo, the film that unseated your namesake.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I thought you were in the HOF with Dial M, pretty sure you will love it. You gotta see Vertigo, the film that unseated your namesake.

Yup I've seen all those Hitch's on the schedule. I was in the Hof...but wasn't overly fond of Dial M for Murder or Grace Kelley. Vertigo on the other hand I really liked and gave it a solid 4/5

My review Vertigo

I just ordered from my library the two disc DVD set of Psycho which has a lot of extra features. I love those extra DVD features for the classics.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Yup I've seen all those Hitch's on the schedule. I was in the Hof...but wasn't overly fond of Dial M for Murder or Grace Kelley. Vertigo on the other hand I really liked and gave it a solid 4/5

My review Vertigo

I just ordered from my library the two disc DVD set of Psycho which has a lot of extra features. I love those extra DVD features for the classics.
My bad, I read too quick. I saw "I have only seen" and blanked on the "once". I thought that was strange coming from you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My bad, I read too quick. I saw "I have only seen" and blanked on the "once". I thought that was strange coming from you.
Nah it's my bad It's how I wrote it. My sentence was backwards. It made sense to me in my head, but I just read it and it reads weird.

Will definitely participate in all of the discussions as I basically know all five of those films by heart. Might rewatch one as well, if I'm in the mood for it.

Great initiative, Seanc!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Schedule I

Psycho (1960) Feb. 15-22
Vertigo (1958) Feb. 23- March 9
Rear Window (1954) March 10-24
North By Northwest (1959) March 25- April 8
Dial M For Murder (1954) April 9-23
So we all watch the movie, and chat about it together in a thread, for a couple weeks?

If so, then I much prefer this over the way the Hall of Fame threads run. I hate doing reviews. I love discussing a movie. That I can do all night long.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Sounds fun. Have seen Vertigo, Psycho, North by northwest once each, haven't seen the other two. I'm in. Will join the club post- haste.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

So we all watch the movie, and chat about it together in a thread, for a couple weeks?

If so, then I much prefer this over the way the Hall of Fame threads run. I hate doing reviews. I love discussing a movie. That I can do all night long.
The Hall of Fames have both reviews and discussions. You missed all of the discussions because you didn't start watching until the last minute and by that time everyone had already finished. Me and Cricket both pointed this out to you in November.

Great idea, Sean . I own all of these except North By Northwest so i'll take part if i can.

The Hall of Fames have both reviews and discussions. You missed all of the discussions because you didn't start watching until the last minute and by that time everyone had already finished. Me and Cricket both pointed this out to you in November.
I already know how those threads work, because I've done them, and on time.

This is not like those threads. This is very close to what we used to try to get going on this board, several years ago. We wanted to watch the same movie, at the same time, and chat about it. Not quoting a bunch of ignorant lines, but actually conversing about it. Making good points, solids facts, etc . . . This is not 12 movies going up, with 12 people randomly watching them, and only being able to read the reviews, and chat about them, once they've seen each film. It's one movie at a time, the same movie, with one thread dedicated to it. It's not the same thing.

I already know how those threads work, because I've done them, and on time.

This is not like those threads. This is very close to what we used to try to get going on this board, several years ago. We wanted to watch the same movie, at the same time, and chat about it. Not quoting a bunch of ignorant lines, but actually conversing about it. Making good points, solids facts, etc . . . This is not 12 movies going up, with 12 people randomly watching them, and only being able to read the reviews, and chat about them, once they've seen each film. It's one movie at a time, the same movie, with one thread dedicated to it. It's not the same thing.
I sent you a PM clarifying what i meant by my comment so i won't go into that again.

The Hall of Fames are whatever the members make of them though. Some Hall of Fames alot of good discussion is generated some not, it entirely depends on the nominations and what the members put into them. This is the same thing as the Movie Club which False Writer started exactly except with a popular director so it should generate more discussion as long as alot of us take part. All of those things you mentioned have came about in Hall of Fames before and you are free to get these discussions started in any of the Hall of Fames you join.

Also what is this? -
Not quoting a bunch of ignorant lines, but actually conversing about it.
I've never been in a Hall of Fame even the underwhelming ones where people have quoted "a bunch of ignorant lines" whatever that means. And there's been plenty of conversing, again i don't remember you sparking or attempting to spark any discussions in the two Hall of Fames i've been in with you but i do remember plenty of discussion.

Without quoting . . .

One, the slasher thread, which I was in 100% of the way. I made huge reviews, in which I asked questions that never got answered . . . So yeah, I am really done there!!!

The quoting . . . We've tried a lot of ideas, from hopefully using that chatroom, IMing, etc . . . but it never really took off past basic bullsh!t. I think a thread that is all about the one film, and nothing else, will work. It's honestly what I've always wanted, which is why I am soooooo for the damn thing.

Without quoting . . .

One, the slasher thread, which I was in 100% of the way. I made huge reviews, in which I asked questions that never got answered . . . So yeah, I am really done there!!!

The quoting . . . We've tried a lot of ideas, from hopefully using that chatroom, IMing, etc . . . but it never really took off past basic bullsh!t. I think a thread that is all about the one film, and nothing else, will work. It's honestly what I've always wanted, which is why I am soooooo for the damn thing.
Well i wasn't in/haven't read the Slasher HOF so don't know what to say there. Why did you join like five after that if you were done then?

The chatroom is a horrible idea to spark discussion, it moves way too fast. Here's one of the False Writer threads i was talking about which is exactly what you're talking about -