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Jack Frost

Jack Frost (1997) N

A serial killer Jack Frost is being transferred for execution. There's an accident on the road and he's exposed to some experimental acid that fuses his DNA and soul to snow. As a snowman he seeks vengeance on a nearby small town's sheriff who originally arrested him.

STOP! Stop making movies like this.

I don't know what to say. If I start with the positives the first thing that comes to mind is that I certainly can appreciate Night of the Creeps more after this. Jack Frost is far worse example of a bad B-movie that throws all ambition out of the window and waves all critique aside with the ultimate defense of "we're just joking".

Technical aspects aren't that important in films like this but just for the record they're terrible: acting reminds me of some high school plays, script lacks wit completely, only a handful of shots look half decent and there's a special prize for the worst fake snow I remember seeing in movies. Someone should have told these people that funny and stupid idea doesn't automatically translate to funnily stupid film.

I'm being harsh here but the film deserves it. I just don't like it when artists (in this case the term might be bit of a stretch) don't take their art seriously. Jack Frost feels like it's been done because there was nothing better to do.