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The year is no spelling mistake

total movie count ........... viewing day count
296 .......................... 354


December 21th

—— 2012 ——

—— animation ——

'Wreck-It Ralph' revolutionized retro gaming
for a whole new generation

This movie was a massive hit with audiences and critics alike, both calling it one of the best modern Disney films and a finely tuned mix between old and new, while also boosting a lot of originality and clever concepts and visuals. I can’t say I completely disagree with all that, but I will say that this movie didn’t appeal to me quite on the same level as with pretty much everyone else…

What I do like about this film is how it is filled with tongue in cheek references, colorful and impressive visuals, and a near referential auditory experience; all contributing to the overall high entertainment level that this movie confidently consumes. I personally think it lacks the intense emotional depth that Disney does so well, but I can’t deny that the undying themes of not fitting in and being yourself and not what others want you to be, all work great in the gaming world of ‘Wreck-It Ralph’. Even though this could feel like a modern spiritual successor to that of Pixar’s ‘Toy Story’, being inside arcade games contra the real world and relying on the concept of gaming characters having a destined path contra toys having a destined purpose, does indeed make a difference. It feels like something else and the concept and themes feel almost entirely different because ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ is so fresh despite its retro callback.

What I don’t like is, for one, how the plot is far from perfectly structured to me, though admittedly, a lot of the reason why the movie feels fragmented and disorientated, is because of the challenges when facing an “open world” like that of an arcade machine, where the games and the worlds are many. Staying in one world would have been boring, but going through multiple drastically changes the look and feel of the film several times throughout, making it seem like a completely different movie – especially when we get to the last third where that and the climax mainly takes place in a huge pink and fluffy world. As you can tell, the countless of characters, concepts, worlds and gaming worships does threaten to take up more space than a proper personal touch for the movie.

Also, about the story structure, the whole idea about the glitch and the main villain is introduced a little late and comes off a little too slow and scattered, so that it never feels like a potent threat to me or like an important part of the plot throughout. Both the look, the sound AND the plot seems to change as the movie go. I guess that does create excitement, a feeling of being original and different, but to me it feels a little jumbled, confusing and the weight of the film is lost a little bit because of this.

