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Get Out

A pretty odd one, since it really is more of a political satire than horror. Still, it's pretty good. I thought all of the actors did a great job. Everyone of them really seemed to care, even those who only were in small parts. Particularly Daniel Kaluuya and Stephen Root, whereas Daniel is a terrific promising new young star since he showed such a wide variety of emotions in a realistic way, while Root was very funny but also very creepy when he needed to be. The guy is a ******** crazily versatile actor. I completely forgot he's the same person who played Milton.

The story is your classic "weird house with weird people" one, but unlike many other ones this one had social commentary to go with it. I think that makes it really stick out, and differentiate from many other horror movies in this vein. I was laughing pretty hard sometimes, especially whenever Root would say something, or any time Rod appeared on screen (who is played by LiRel Howery, another pretty new actor). And how the family tried to act educated and socially aware while still coming off as pretty damn racist since they are still guilty of racial profiling was pretty clever.

Occassionally it did get creepy. Not really approaching scary, but the hypnosis scene for instance was very well-directed and disturbing. You could feel Chris' terror as he just kept falling and falling...


Here's the catch. It had a twist which I predicted before even starting the movie, and when it came I kinda groaned.
WARNING: spoilers below
I don't mean the fact that the family has black people come over to use them as slaves, because that was pretty clever. It made sense in the context of the movie. It's that they turned Rose evil. Allison Williams handled the transformation impressively for sure, I still think the acting from her was top-notch. It's just it irritated me they took that route with her character. Wouldn't it have been nice if she saw how crazy her family was and tried to break free from it? Wouldn't even have to make her survive, she could die anyway, but it's just the fact that even she was part of the pact made the movie come off as a bit cynical.

Overall, maybe a bit overhyped but still a solid satirical horror.