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Dog Day Afternoon
Al Pacino, John Cazale, Charles Durning, Chris Sarandon View AllCrew
Sidney Lumet (Director), Frank Pierson (Screenplay) View All
Release: Sep. 21st, 1975
Runtime: 2 hours, 5 minutes
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Dog Day Afternoon
This movie proves that Al Pachino is one of the best actors ever. If Pachino did not play his charicter right in this movie, the film would of sucked.
I realy enjoyed this movie. I normaly hate mov...
dog day afternoon
hey im keags movie geek for life nice to meet u
i wanna kw if ne one kws y in the film dog day afternoon that Al Pacino shouts ANNEKA to the cops when he comes out ov the bank plz le...
Dog Day Afternoon
Watched Dog Day Afternoon last night. I haven't watched this movie in a very long time. Absolutely fantastic! Probably Pacino's best performance and should have won an Oscar (over Nicholson's "...
Looking for a Saturday afternoon Horror in the 80's on tv
Grew up in utah and every sat. a thriller theater or chiller theater would come on and show a different movie, with a pig like movie projectionist working the reel. anyone know of a movie list they sh...
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Reviewed by

Another notable improvisation in the film was John Cazale's answer to Al Pacino's question of where in the world he'd like to fly to.

Sal (John Cazale) the other bank robbery was interesting as we never really learn much about him, and yet I could tell he had his own back story, which we learn only a little about, which keeps him a mystery.