This movie proves that Al Pachino is one of the best actors ever. If Pachino did not play his charicter right in this movie, the film would of sucked.
I realy enjoyed this movie. I normaly hate movies with more than two mintues of dialog, lol, but Dog Day Afternoon sucked me in to watching it.
I loved the fact that story line was very simple but the screen play or Pachino's acting kept the film alive, even if it was two people holding up a bank for two hours. Moments like when the pizza guy deliverd a pizza would normaly be looked upon as some thing not realy important or exiting but this movie made it look as if it was the other way round.
The story line seems boring on papper. "Two guys hold up a bank for two hours and nothing realy happens until they get taken to the air port" but even though that is what happens the movie is still some how intresting.
I realy enjoyed this movie. I normaly hate movies with more than two mintues of dialog, lol, but Dog Day Afternoon sucked me in to watching it.
I loved the fact that story line was very simple but the screen play or Pachino's acting kept the film alive, even if it was two people holding up a bank for two hours. Moments like when the pizza guy deliverd a pizza would normaly be looked upon as some thing not realy important or exiting but this movie made it look as if it was the other way round.
The story line seems boring on papper. "Two guys hold up a bank for two hours and nothing realy happens until they get taken to the air port" but even though that is what happens the movie is still some how intresting.