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Blade Runner
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos View AllCrew
Ridley Scott (Director), Hampton Fancher (Screenplay), David Webb Peoples (Screenplay) View All
Release: Jun. 25th, 1982
Runtime: 1 hour, 57 minutes
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Blade Runner
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WARNING: "Blade Runner" spoilers below
Last week I was talking to a friend about this great movie. He tells me that the Harrison Ford character is a replicant!
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I watch many new movies at this point of my life, as I'm still very much in the 'exploring phase' of my development as a true cinephile and I do it all to discover films like this, films that I can revisit again and again and that keep me smiling and thinking for weeks after I've seen it.

That mix of synth and occasional saxophone jazz sound really added to the sci-fi and film noir mix this film created.

Having seen Blade Runner in its several different incarnations around forty times over the years, I may have been forgiven for getting a little tired of the film.