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Matt Reeves, Michael Stahl-David, T. J. Miller, Lizzy Caplan View AllCrew
Matt Reeves (Director), Drew Goddard (Screenplay) View AllRelease: Jan. 15th, 2008
Runtime: 1 hour, 25 minutes
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Here's my review of Cloverfield, which I saw late this afternoon. It would be fair to say I was pretty blown away by this movie. I despise "shakycam" and have never found it effective in dra...
I was actually thinking if we would move this thread here. Ya'know since the first trailer will hit theaters next week.
Now, who didn't have the slightest clue that this was always named Cloverfie...
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Reviewed by
Movies like Jurassic Park, Godzilla, and King Kong are some favourites of mine, but Cloverfield somehow feels fresh, it feels new and it brings something new to the table.
Movies like Jurassic Park, Godzilla, and King Kong are some favourites of mine, but Cloverfield somehow feels fresh, it feels new and it brings something new to the table.
The Rodent
The film does give you a connection to the characters to a point though, the beginning of the movie, before the city starts falling apart around them, allows you enough time to get to know them at almost a personal level and sets up the love triangle.
The film does give you a connection to the characters to a point though, the beginning of the movie, before the city starts falling apart around them, allows you enough time to get to know them at almost a personal level and sets up the love triangle.
To describe this film would be saying what everyone has been saying since its release. Cloverfield is Godzilla meets The Blair Witch Project..
To describe this film would be saying what everyone has been saying since its release. Cloverfield is Godzilla meets The Blair Witch Project..