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It Happened One Night
Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly, Roscoe Karns View AllCrew
Frank Capra (Director), Robert Riskin (Screenplay) View All
Release: Feb. 22nd, 1934
Runtime: 1 hour, 45 minutes
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That is the situation that Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) finds herself in and from which she's trying to run away in this charming romcom from Frank Capra.

Middle, director Frank Capra holds his Oscar for Best Director a win that marked the start of a bright directing career...Right, Lionel Barrymore admires the Oscar that Clark Gable just won for Best Actor.

The Granddaddy of all romantic comedies is the 1934 classic It Happened one Night, a sparkling adult comedy that not only inspired a lot of future cinema but was the first film to win all five top honors at the 1935 Oscar ceremony, including Best Picture.