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Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, Harve Presnell View AllCrew
Joel Coen (Screenplay), Joel Coen (Director), Ethan Coen (Screenplay) View All
Release: Mar. 8th, 1996
Runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes
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Fargo's plot
On watching Fargo again, for how many time's? it says at the begining of the movie, it is a true story. My husband said he had read recently that it isn't a true story at all, does anyone know the rea...
Fargo - TV Series
Just wondering what everyone thinks of this, I am a fan of the movie Fargo so I am really curious to see this, or at least the first episode. Their is not much video I could find except a few 30 ...
What do you think of Fargo (1996)?
I thought the movie was really good up until the climax. Basically I felt it ended in a deux ex machina.
Marge needs to find the car, and as she is driving back, she just happens to spo...
FARGO - season 4
I've watched the first 3 episodes of Fargo, season 4. So far the series is shocking in its mediocrity. My guess is that Noah Hawley --the chief writer/creator-- had been pressured into a 4th seri...
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Reviewed by

There's humor (which is practically always the fact with the Coens of course), there's an engaging and thrilling story (probably still their best) that also makes some subtle, interesting comments on our society as a whole, the characters are meticulously constructed and especially pregnant policewo....

Well, I reviewed this movie before and I may have hyperboled, a lot, but this movie is f*king awesome..