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The Terminator
Michael Biehn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield View AllCrew
Gale Anne Hurd (Writer), James Cameron (Director), James Cameron (Writer) View All
Release: Oct. 26th, 1984
Runtime: 1 hour, 48 minutes
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The best example of his talents are when the Terminator and Kyle Reese first meet Sarah Connor in Tech Noir, the dance club.

T2 is a significantly more important film in the scope of cinema history with how it revolutionized visual effects (liquid metal), and while the effects are better and the action is bigger, I feel like the first Terminator film is better, in that it's narrative is much tighter and more concise, and ....

While he may have directed bigger films, including the two most successful films of all time, and even won an Oscar for his work on Titanic, I personally don't think that James Cameron's direction has ever been better than here with The Terminator.