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Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, Fred Willard View AllCrew
Andrew Stanton (Screenplay), Andrew Stanton (Director), Jim Reardon (Screenplay) View All
Release: Jun. 22nd, 2008
Runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes
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Reviewed by

I also loved...the way the first scenes on Earth played out like an old Charlie Chaplin film with WALL-E as the little tramp exploring his world in a Chaplinesque type of way.

And while I understand some people may find the film just a tad hypocritical with its messages, considering the amount of merchandising the film spawned (consumerism) and that Pixar films have become the ideal babysitters for numerous parents (the abundance of technology in our lives), it's not some....

I thought the film's overriding message was one of humanity, and if it takes some non-human "creatures" to help us rediscover our lost humanity, that's OK with me.