5 Random Questions


I'm gonna ask 5 random questions, and you just answer them. That's it.

1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?
3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?
4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?

Some of these questions are twisted enough for me...

1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
I sleep with nothing but a blanket.

2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?
God no! I mean, that might be a good way to diet and all, but I really don't want to lose my appetite utterly.

3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?
Hell yeah! Oh, I thought the question asked "a day".

4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
Um, no...wait...yes, er...who?

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?
No. All that grease would make me break out and puke.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
Only in the dead of winter. (In LA, that's January 12th)

2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?
And flex? no.

3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?

4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
No. The first three would wear him out and that last one would get 'im.

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?
Hello, dehydration! The most I candle is about 6 slices.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Registered User
1. No.
2. Weekly...
3. ...and then some.
4. Yes.
5. No.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?
Yet another female MoFo that I have fallen helplessly in lust, er, love with.



You sexy little wood nymph (or can you at least pretend to be one?)

There are those who call me...Tim.
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Yet another female MoFo that I have fallen helplessly in lust, er, love with.



You sexy little wood nymph (or can you at least pretend to be one?)
Will somebody sedate this guy
1. Socks....?
2. Once in a blue moon
3. Cheeky
4. Of course. He can beat anything (except rust)
5. That would make anybody ill...
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
I'm sure I have, but generally, no.

2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?

3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?

My grandmother posts here, damn you.

4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?
A pound? No. But sometimes I make a pound of taco meat, melt cheese over it, and just eat the whole thing with a spoon.

Originally Posted by Yoda
5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?
A pound? No. But sometimes I make a pound of taco meat, melt cheese over it, and just eat the whole thing with a spoon.
HOLY CRAP! Can you move your left arm after such a feat?

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Yet another female MoFo that I have fallen helplessly in lust, er, love with.



You sexy little wood nymph (or can you at least pretend to be one?)
You're too late, my dear.
I've already sworn to marry Ralph Fiennes.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
You're too late, my dear.
I've already sworn to marry Ralph Fiennes.
Me too!!! Wow, what a coincidence. Ain't he a dream boat?

1. Do you sleep with your socks on? USUALLY NO
2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex? NO
3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week? IM A GUY OF COURSE
4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe? I DONT KNOW
5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it? NO
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

1. Do you sleep with your socks on?

2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?
not too often

3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?
could be more than that, but hey

4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
who? what? where? i don't know...he's on third...

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
1. Do you sleep with your socks on? Nope
2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex? No.
3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week? i don't want to count how many times, thank you. lol
4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe? There's more than four G.I Joes last time i checked, but i mean, yeah, he's a giant robot...he could stomp on a thousand G.I. Joes
5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it? Disgusting....and yet i didn't flinch about the masturbation thing....haha
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


I wipe my ass with your feelings
1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
-Don't know...

2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?

3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?

4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
-I could beat all of them up, including you

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?

It's too late now, but I meant to say GI Joe, not all four GI Joe, because that just sounds dumb.
But maybe you thought the 5 questions in an of themselves were dumb.
Either way, we have a lot of wankers visiting this site.

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Either way, we have a lot of wankers visiting this site.
Holy ****, no kidding. Everyone that has posted in this thread wanks off. Oh crap that includes me too
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
I'm gonna ask 5 random questions, and you just answer them. That's it.

1. Do you sleep with your socks on?
I sleep with a sexy sock puppet on my...
2. Do you stare at your naked self in the mirror and flex?
Only in group activities & also make noises.
3. Do you masturbate at least twice a week?
Is it a pay week?
4. Could Optimus Prime beat up all four G.I. Joe?
Bumble Bee could simply take on four Joes

5. Have you ever just cooked up a pound of bacon and eaten it?
Yes. A woman in uniform turns me on... and in and out.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
You're too late, my dear.
I've already sworn to marry Ralph Fiennes.