1947 to 2023


My picks (in addition to yours) for 1947 would be:

The Paradine Case
The Lady From Shanghai
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Gentleman's Agreement
Monsieur Verdoux

Nice choices, i got 3 of those in my physical collection. ty

My picks (in addition to yours) for 1947 would be:

The Paradine Case
The Lady From Shanghai
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Gentleman's Agreement
Monsieur Verdoux

I am eager to know what will be next, this will be initially overlapped with previous film's extras, i am beginning to think i will be choosing Criterion editions (with supplements), and not all of them you would think of when thinking of mothers, my design with this celebration is simply to have a chronological template of her lifetime. Wow the first Doctor Who is in this!!


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Well that's a great start. Black Narcissus is a masterpiece.

I didn't like this when I saw it a few months ago. Maybe I'll give this another shot one day, since I had a friend with great taste also recommending this movie, but I don't remember a thing about it, except the nuns, single man, sexual tension (but that could have been something I just read)

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I've collected since 2004, but for this, will only be watching from The Criterion Channel

For me, it's YouTube. And many Criterion movies are on there for free. But the movies I see are from the 1970s-1930s

A film for each year my mom was alive, maybe more for some years, to get to 100 films perhaps from June 25 to October 21



Nice way to honor your mom. Also, Black Narcissus is a gorgeou film. I love it.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I kind of liked this one, but still I don't get Ozu. I get Mizoguchi and Kurosawa, but Ozu doesn't connect.
I've only seen 6 Kurosawa, 3 Ozu, and 1 Mizoguchi, so I might be the least qualified to talk... but pretty much every single one of those I've either loved or at least thought it was pretty good. I can understand, though, based on the 3 films I've seen that Ozu might be the hardest to "get"...? Maybe because of how "mundane" his plots and stories might seem. I understand that's common through all his filmography.