I am finally here.


Hello fellow movie buffs. My name is LoudyKaizoku. I have been a film buff ever since I was little boy watching Disney films.
My favorite films of all time are Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Monty Python and the
Fun fact: My name comes from the first part of my last name and the Japanese word for pirate, which is Kaizoku. The second part of my Forum name is there mainly because I started watching One Piece.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
If he's a pirate then hide all the Rum.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Welcome in, I also like Monty Python and the!
If you like you can give a shout out to up to ten of your favourite movies in your user profile.