Oscar Picks

Prometheus/Alien Covenant/Alien


"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Could someone please help me understand the time line here, and what’s going on. It’s been frying my brain all week.

Black Goo
What exactly is it?. And how exactly did it kill of the Engineers?. Because We also see the Engineers with wholes in their chest, so how exactly did that happen?. Didn’t their have to be a facehugger?. And if so, where did that come from?.

Did David create the xenomorph?. And if he did, then why was their a picture of one in the room with the Black Goo?.

xenomorph/face hugger
So face hugger hatches from egg.... then attacks host.... then xenomorph burst from chest is the sequence right?. But in Covenent the little xenomorph‘s just hatch straight out of characters chest without a egg, or a facehugger?.


How do these movies even tie to Alien?. And how could David created the xenomorph when it’s actually in the original Alien and David didn’t go to that planet?.
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Could someone please help me understand the time line here, and what’s going on. It’s been frying my brain all week.

Black Goo
What exactly is it?. And how exactly did it kill of the Engineers?. Because We also see the Engineers with wholes in their chest, so how exactly did that happen?. Didn’t their have to be a facehugger?. And if so, where did that come from?.

Did David create the xenomorph?. And if he did, then why was their a picture of one in the room with the Black Goo?.

xenomorph/face hugger
So face hugger hatches from egg.... then attacks host.... then xenomorph burst from chest is the sequence right?. But in Covenent the little xenomorph‘s just hatch straight out of characters chest without a egg, or a facehugger?.


How do these movies even tie to Alien?. And how could David created the xenomorph when it’s actually in the original Alien and David didn’t go to that planet?.

Black Goo is a mutegen which effects different creatures and beings differently. The facehuggers come from the Alien Queen which is a version of the Xenomorph but not the sole Xenomorph. In Alien3 the Alien is a dog based creature, in Alien Ressurection it's more perfect blend of Ripley and Alien.

We don't know how David made the ship get to LV-426 but based on the end of Covenant he's still alive and moving around the galaxy in his own ship.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Black Goo is a mutegen which effects different creatures and beings differently. The facehuggers come from the Alien Queen which is a version of the Xenomorph but not the sole Xenomorph. In Alien3 the Alien is a dog based creature, in Alien Ressurection it's more perfect blend of Ripley and Alien.

We don't know how David made the ship get to LV-426 but based on the end of Covenant he's still alive and moving around the galaxy in his own ship.
Right, but we’re meant to believe David created the facehugger eggs using Shaws ovaries right?. So how did the engineers have wholes in their chest in Prometheus?.

Right, but we’re meant to believe David created the facehugger eggs using Shaws ovaries right?. So how did the engineers have wholes in their chest in Prometheus?.

My interpretation is the first mutation is something that lives in human skin. Like a ringworm...mite...lice or something and they evolved thanks to David into a more perfect creature.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
My interpretation is the first mutation is something that lives in human skin. Like a ringworm...mite...lice or something and they evolved thanks to David into a more perfect creature.
So they lost control of the black goo and something attacked them?. And then David just perfected the ultimate orgism?.

It is the "grey goo" meets the writer's MacGuffin. It isn't anything. It's what you want it to be.

It is the primitive protoplasm of evil. That's all we need to now.

Did David create the xenomorph?. And if he did, then why was their a picture of one in the room with the Black Goo?.
It's a great disappointment when you learn that your parents were just making it up as they went along. The writers are too. You have put more patient and careful care into making this world make sense than the writers did. Think about that.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
It is the "grey goo" meets the writer's MacGuffin. It isn't anything. It's what you want it to be.

It is the primitive protoplasm of evil. That's all we need to now.

It's a great disappointment when you learn that your parents were just making it up as they went along. The writers are too. You have put more patient and careful care into making this world make sense than the writers did. Think about that.
The movies just don’t make sense.

The movies just don’t make sense.
I agree.

You have to be careful in revisiting your masterworks. Scott had an early talent for doing more profound stuff when he was visualizing other people's writing, other people's ideas. He's better as a channeler than as an origin point.

Ridley Scott "the writer/producer" is a bit of a hack when if comes to profundity.

We didn't need the force to be explained as midichlorians. We didn't need the backstory on the derelict ship on LV-426. We needed a plausible and intriguing mystery to set up the action in ALIEN and ALIENS. The point was never to resolve the mystery.

At the point that you're getting frustrated with what's missing on your plate, I think you should blame the cook rather than keep rearranging your cooked carrots.

Don't worry. Just make a post declaring "Prometheus/Covenant is riddled with plot-holes," and someone will feel the irresistible urge to prove you wrong (at length) and do the work you're performing here for free.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I’m watching Aliens now and even this line throws a little confusion.

Hudson: Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?

Gorman: All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony, and that a xenomorph may be involved.

Frost: Excuse me sir, a-a what?

Gorman: A xenomorph.

Hicks: It's a bughunt.

They didn’t believe Ripley about what she encountered, yet 20 minutes into the movie and it’s like Aliens are not a big thing.

I’m watching Aliens now and even this line throws a little confusion.

Hudson: Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?

Gorman: All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony, and that a xenomorph may be involved.

Frost: Excuse me sir, a-a what?

Gorman: A xenomorph.

Hicks: It's a bughunt.

They didn’t believe Ripley about what she encountered, yet 20 minutes into the movie and it’s like Aliens are not a big thing.
This implies that they have gone out hunting alien species before. Did they actually find an alien species, or were they just sent on a safari predicated by the nervous fears of colonists? There are people who are still hunting Bigfoot. Bigfoot has not yet been caught. Bughunt.

Perhaps they have encountered a hostile alien species before. This does not mean that they have encountered THIS alien species before. Moreover, what they've encountered before appears to have helped make them overconfident (they've basically gone killing the equivalent of Thylacines on planet Australia).

And don't forget about Acturian poon tang.

Just give Ridley and Lindlehoff like 7 more movies and it'll become clear. Maybe.

For me, Prometheus was the epitome of the emptiness of Lindelof's writing philosophy, that setting up a mystery box is intriguing just for the sake of having it in your work, regardless of whether there's anything ultimately worthwhile (or just anything at all) within it or not:

Apparently latest reports suggest that Disney wants an Alien film ever 1-2 years

Apparently latest reports suggest that Disney wants an Alien film ever 1-2 years

I can see a TV series work, or finishing up the Fassbender arc but if this is a reboot