Interesting Biographical Documentaries?


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Doesn't have to be someone you admire, just something people would find interesting, like the one I saw yesterday on Roger Stone - "Get Me Roger Stone" and especially the recent "The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling" which was not only great, but enlightening (for obvious reasons), but it doesn't matter to me what decade it was made. Sometimes I love watching multiple documentaries on just one person to compare, and to see if/why certain information is added or omitted.

I like Lee Marvin: A Personal Portrait by John Boorman (1998) and My Best Fiend (1999), Werner Herzog's film about his volatile relationship with Klaus Kinski.

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It seems hard to find this because the results usually bring the song, and if you search for videos, you get a 3-part interview/documentary..
Not sure I'm allowed to post it here but it's in full on youtube. Search You're Gonna Miss Me 2005.

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Not sure I'm allowed to post it here but it's in full on youtube. Search You're Gonna Miss Me 2005.
You are allowed YouTube, and there are a few threads dedicated to favorite movies/videos on YouTube, though streaming sites are not allowed to be mentioned.

That's the video I found - I thought perhaps there was a better quality version. Thanks.

The Times of Harvey Milk

Marlene Dietrich: Her Own Story

The Fog of War [Robert McNamara]

Grizzly Man [Timothy Treadwell]

Salvador Allende

Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

I always like movies about musicians- oops which reminds me I have to get back to finishing The Genius of Beethoven series.That s not a documentary, of course, but a very well envisioned historical biography, recommended by someone on this site.

A more recent movie (I think 2011) was the documentary film about Phil Ochs called There But For Fortune. A contemporary of early Bob Dylan, Phil never made it as big, but was a seminal figure of his time and was, unfortunately, beset by demons ( not entirely of his own making ) . The film is also a glimpse of the music and political scene of the sixties.

Title of the film is the title of one of Phil's songs; written with great compassion for those of lesser fortune, which is still sung in music circles to this day.