Hey everyone


Also answers to Jabba
Hey guys and girls. I looked around here a bit and hopefully this is the right place for me to introduce myself.

Huge film fan here, and I hope I get to know you all better. I watch everything, from the latest blockbusters to silent films of the 20s and I am looking for a new place to talk films after just leaving a previous forum.

I am impressed by the organization in here, which fits perfectly with the way I like things to be ran.

So anyone care to show me the ropes?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Hi Jabs. Enjoy yourself - lots of smart, helpful film fans here

Hey Jabs, welcome to Movie Forums!

Hey guys and girls. I looked around here a bit and hopefully this is the right place for me to introduce myself.
It is.

Huge film fan here, and I hope I get to know you all better. I watch everything, from the latest blockbusters to silent films of the 20s and I am looking for a new place to talk films after just leaving a previous forum.

I am impressed by the organization in here, which fits perfectly with the way I like things to be ran.
Yeah, we're sticklers for that kind of thing. Or rather, I am, and I've slowly but surely driven away anyone who isn't.

Mostly kidding.

So anyone care to show me the ropes?
Sure! Looks like you've figured out the basics already. Only thing I usually mention to newbies that you haven't done yet is entering your favorite movies into your profile.

Feel free to ask any questions at all about anything here, and I (or one of the other helpful members) will be glad to answer.

Also answers to Jabba
Sure! Looks like you've figured out the basics already. Only thing I usually mention to newbies that you haven't done yet is entering your favorite movies into your profile.
I was hoping to ask if there is a way to connect this account to my IMDb account since I am one of those weird people who have a list and rates about every movie I have watched. I realize I may be asking too much though.

Since you offered, some questions:
* Is there an easier way to quote someone, other than use the quote button, find the message you want to quote and c/p the text? There probably is because this way you can't even tell who the originator is, and you probably won't get a notification at all.

* I assume the Upcoming Movies & Sequels section is essentially a general film thread forum that is just unfortunately titled. Is that correct? Because I can see threads for older films in there and again I assume that bumping is allowed, since my understanding is there is a one thread per film policy involved.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Huge film fan here, and I hope I get to know you all better. I watch everything, from the latest blockbusters to silent films of the 20s and I am looking for a new place to talk films after just leaving a previous forum...
Welcome Jabs! You sound like you might just be a good member! And we always need members who are willing to join in and chat away.

You mentioned learning the ropes, there's lots of neat activities that we do here. Just a few our Song Tournaments, Hall of Fame for movies, board wide Countdowns , Movie Tournaments...those are already in progress, but new ones are starting up all the time. And that's just a sample of what we do here There's a Movie section, a Review section, just about anything you could want on a movie board, oh and best of all spam and troll free! It's a friendly, nice board

Also answers to Jabba
Welcome Jabs! You sound like you might just be a good member! And we always need members who are willing to join in and chat away.

You mentioned learning the ropes, there's lots of neat activities that we do here. Just a few our Song Tournaments, Hall of Fame for movies, board wide Countdowns , Movie Tournaments...those are already in progress, but new ones are starting up all the time. And that's just a sample of what we do here There's a Movie section, a Review section, just about anything you could want on a movie board, oh and best of all spam and troll free! It's a friendly, nice board
Thanks man! It's good to be here. I have run/participated in many similar events in the past so I'll be sure to keep an eye out for what comes out.

To be honest, I'm already impressed by the quality of discussion present. I see a ton of titles I recognize that whenever I mentioned in my previous hangout were usually followed by replies that included words like "obscure", "nobody watches that stuff", "Jason Statham" etc...

Even better, I actually see a lot of titles I haven't even heard of and I foresee that it will be a chance to watch many new films after talking to you guys.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Just jump on in with both feet and after awhile MoFo will feel like home to you We just had the board wide, 2017 MoFo Film Awards which is a yearly event, with all members being invited to submit voting list. Then the host does a presentation of the winners.

One thread that many post to is Rate The Last Movie You Saw It's a huge thread with currently 2419, pages at 20 post per page...that's a lot of movies being covered! I've found so many films to watch from that thread. It's a valuable resource.

I was hoping to ask if there is a way to connect this account to my IMDb account since I am one of those weird people who have a list and rates about every movie I have watched. I realize I may be asking too much though.
Yeah, not at the moment; our version of all this stuff is relatively new, so I've yet to look into importing data from other sides. That is planned, though, particularly if it turns out not to be too hard.

* Is there an easier way to quote someone, other than use the quote button, find the message you want to quote and c/p the text? There probably is because this way you can't even tell who the originator is, and you probably won't get a notification at all.
Yeah, there's a quote button on each post that will quote that specific post, with all the code for notifying them and all that already in there; it's the little talk bubble on the top right of the post.

Let me know if this is what you meant. The terminology with this stuff can be a little confusing.

* I assume the Upcoming Movies & Sequels section is essentially a general film thread forum that is just unfortunately titled. Is that correct? Because I can see threads for older films in there and again I assume that bumping is allowed, since my understanding is there is a one thread per film policy involved.
It's for movies that haven't come out yet. So: speculation, trailers, general hype. It's not a great system because we end up with one thread for the film before release, and one (in Movie Reviews, usually) after. I'm kinda thinking about how to deal with this.

Also answers to Jabba
It's for movies that haven't come out yet. So: speculation, trailers, general hype. It's not a great system because we end up with one thread for the film before release, and one (in Movie Reviews, usually) after. I'm kinda thinking about how to deal with this.
So in general, lets say I watched a film and want to write just a few lines about it (so not really a review), what is the best place to do that? Do I go to the movie reviews section and check if there is a thread dedicated to the film already and if not I just create it?

So in general, lets say I watched a film and want to write just a few lines about it (so not really a review), what is the best place to do that? Do I go to the movie reviews section and check if there is a thread dedicated to the film already and if not I just create it?
That'd be fine, yeah. If you plan to do it a lot, there's a Rate the Last Movie you Saw thread and other similar threads for people who just want to leave a few impressions without treating it like a full-fledged review.

Some people start their own threads to house that shorter reactions, too. Both are fine.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Oh hai @Jabs, I didn't know it was you.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Hello and welcome to movieforums, or MoFo as people have taken to calling it. There arw lots of fun activities to keep yourself busy with and get involved in the community. There's music and movie tournaments where people submit a handful each and they go into a bracket and everyone votes until there's a winner. There's Hall of Fame's where each participant chooses one movie, then everyone watches all of the movies and rates them. They get points based on the ratings and whichever movie has the most points wins. There are top 100 lists where everyone submits 25 movies by point value and they all get tallied into a list. And some months we have themes where a bunch of people focus on that theme for the month, like Halloween movies in October and we try to watch 31 horror movies in the month. Lots of people do their own personal top 100 threads, or personal review or watching diary threads. So, lots of stuff to check out.

I see you have 12 Angry Men in your favorites, excellent choice!

Hope you have fun and stick around.

By the way, do you like Arthous and Anime?

Also answers to Jabba
I'm your favourite customer!
I'm either missing some inside joke, or we used to hang out at the same place.

By the way, do you like Arthous and Anime?
Arthouse yes, although my experience is fairly limited. As far as anime goes, it depends. I do enjoy Ghibli films for instance, but I haven't delved into anime series/films based on series other than DeathNote.

"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."