Horror Movies for kids?


Hey everyone new to the forums looking forward to joining in on some discussions. With Halloween season upon us I was wondering what are some of the best horror movies that I can watch with my daughter. She's almost 8 and has seen lots of the giant monster movies which I wouldn't really consider horror as well the obvious things like Coraline, ParaNorman etc. She's also a big fan of Tremors, Jaws, Monster Squad and Gremlins. Looking to get a little list going of scary movies you have watched with your kids.

Though it is not straightup horror, Spirited Away is Alice in Wonderland like and is the best rec I can think of as marketed not just for adults.

Since you said your daughter loves Jaws, I'll say she can watch Psycho at her age. She's definitely braver than I was at that age.
Since you

If she can handle Jaws and Tremors, maybe the original Carrie?
George A Romero's original Night Of The Living Dead as well could be fun. Dawn and Day as well. The original isn't as gory or extreme as people realise.

Thinking of Jaws and Tremors and other creature features... Anaconda?

Trying to think of things without too much swearing tbh... maybe have a look at Troll Hunter as well.
It's in Norwegian though with subtitles, so not sure if an 8 year old will be interested in it too much. It's not a bad movie and the effects are actually really good for a low budget creature feature.

Thought of some more:

The Day Of The Triffids
Deep Rising (out of print though so hard to find on DVD these days).
Lake Placid

Eight Legged Freaks will definitely be fun for her.


Poltergeist (1982). I remember watching that when I was about 3. Both my kids have seen it as well by the time they were 5 or 6 years old too.

Mad Monster Party (1967) - not horror, per se, but is a fun kids' stop-motion animation movie with lots of famous monsters.
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) - musical, comedy with some horror spoof.
The Frighteners (1986) - never seen the whole thing so not sure how kid-friendly it is, but it seemed to contain some comedy.
The Lost Boys (1987) - some intense moments, but it does feature kids so I think kids would love it.
The Addams Family (1991 - series of movies) - the famous creepy family from TV brought to film.
Hocus Pocus (1993) - very kid friendly movie about witches.
Haunted Mansion (2003) - haven't seen it, but it's supposed to be a family-friendly Eddie Murphy comedy.
The Corpse Bride (2005) - another Tim Burton animated film.
Frankenweenie (2012) - never seen it, but yet another Tim Burton animated film based on a horror story.
Hotel Transylvania I & II (2012, 2015) - somewhat of an update on Mad Monster Party. Animated = lots of famous monsters.

Mad Monster Party (1967) - not horror, per se, but is a fun kids' stop-motion animation movie with lots of famous monsters.
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) - musical, comedy with some horror spoof.
The Frighteners (1986) - never seen the whole thing so not sure how kid-friendly it is, but it seemed to contain some comedy.
The Lost Boys (1987) - some intense moments, but it does feature kids so I think kids would love it.
The Addams Family (1991 - series of movies) - the famous creepy family from TV brought to film.
Hocus Pocus (1993) - very kid friendly movie about witches.
Haunted Mansion (2003) - haven't seen it, but it's supposed to be a family-friendly Eddie Murphy comedy.
The Corpse Bride (2005) - another Tim Burton animated film.
Frankenweenie (2012) - never seen it, but yet another Tim Burton animated film based on a horror story.
Hotel Transylvania I & II (2012, 2015) - somewhat of an update on Mad Monster Party. Animated = lots of famous monsters.
None of those are horror films.
Some of them are horrific but none of them are horror.

Frankenweenie is fantastic.

None of those are horror films.
Some of them are horrific but none of them are horror.

Frankenweenie is fantastic.
Good opening for a discussion - so what constitutes "horror"?
Must it lack humor in order to be horror? Can it be oriented toward children and still be "horror"?
Are supernatural monsters (such a vampires) or witches a staple of horror?
Why would Lost Boys not be considered within the horror genre?
Is horror now limited to "slasher" films?

Just to be clear; I was suggesting a few films that came to mind that might be geared to or fun for children - without having too much disturbing content - that have a relation to horror or have a horror context. (Obviously Mad Monster Party is a comedy cartoon for kids, but it features a context of a gathering of classic Universal "monsters" from old time "horror" movies).

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Poltergeist (1982). I remember watching that when I was about 3. Both my kids have seen it as well by the time they were 5 or 6 years old too.
I was just going to post this, except I was 7 the first time I saw it and have no kids to speak of. I also saw the original Alien, Manhunter and The Silence of the Lambs when I was 5 and Altered States when I was 6. Also Predator when I was 4. However, if you're not ready for her to see R-rated movies, I'd only recommend Poltergeist.

I've been watching all rated movies since year dot.
My parents weren't bother by what I watched or when as they knew I could handle it.
Porn is a different subject but anything from U to 18 was, in their eyes, "just a film"

I think I did a list a while back of movies that I watched at a young age.
I saw RoboCop when I was 6 lol!

Edit: I was 7 for Robo... http://www.movieforums.com/community...ad.php?t=35688

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

I've been watching all rated movies since year dot.
My parents weren't bother by what I watched or when as they knew I could handle it.
Porn is a different subject but anything from U to 18 was, in their eyes, "just a film"

I think I did a list a while back of movies that I watched at a young age.
I saw RoboCop when I was 6 lol!

Edit: I was 7 for Robo... http://www.movieforums.com/community...ad.php?t=35688
Mom nearly murdered Dad when she found out he and I had watched Bachelor Party together when I was 5. She thought it was a dirty movie. Oh, I also first saw the original Halloween (and Body Heat) when I was 5.

Mom nearly murdered Dad when she found out he and I had watched Bachelor Party together when I was 5. She thought it was a dirty movie. Oh, I also first saw the original Halloween (and Body Heat) when I was 5.

I have a similar story.
My stepdad bought me RoboCop on VHS after he'd heard me rave about it.
I'd already seen it with my Brother when I was 7 but he bought it for me for Christmas.

We all sat down on Boxing Day and watch together and at the end, he turned to my Mum and said "I am so, so sorry. I thought "Robocop" was some sort of kids film. If I'd have known, I wouldn't have bought it for him"

And my Mum's reply was "Meh, he's seen it before. Besides, he's seen worse than that"

Meh, lightweights - I saw A Serbian Film a cpl of years before I was even born

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Mom nearly murdered Dad when she found out he and I had watched Bachelor Party together when I was 5. She thought it was a dirty movie. Oh, I also first saw the original Halloween (and Body Heat) when I was 5.

I have a similar story.
My stepdad bought me RoboCop on VHS after he'd heard me rave about it.
I'd already seen it with my Brother when I was 7 but he bought it for me for Christmas.

We all sat down on Boxing Day and watch together and at the end, he turned to my Mum and said "I am so, so sorry. I thought "Robocop" was some sort of kids film. If I'd have known, I wouldn't have bought it for him"

And my Mum's reply was "Meh, he's seen it before. Besides, he's seen worse than that"

I heard about a guy who went to see Private Benjamin back in '80 with his whole family when he was like 10 or 11. His mother accused his father of taking the whole family to see a dirty movie when its 109-minute running time had ended.

Meh, lightweights - I saw A Serbian Film a cpl of years before I was even born

Yeah, well... I saw L'arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat in 3D and I didn't get scared.

Yeah, well... I saw L'arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat in 3D and I didn't get scared.
Yeah well, I saw it in 4-D so there

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Y'know, Dad and I also watched The Terminator together when I was 5. Dad just laughed his ass off when I repeated the "**** you, *******." line and didn't tell Mom at that.