The Replacements

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Since I have the new title of Critic I think I will review some stuff.

Okay, when I rented this I was in the mood for cheesy. Nothing says cheesy like stripper cheerleaders to me.
This movie is hard to describe. It's not cheesy enough to be cheesy and not good enough to be great. It's not bad either, it's something in the middle. I would call it okay.
The plot and cliches we've all seen before but I kinda liked it. If you fell like renting it it's up to you.

Registered User

Stripper cheerleaders? You must not be a fan of the XFL, then.

I rented "Any Given Sunday", just to quench my thirst for football for awhile.


Oh I liked the stripper cheerleaders part. Hehehehe

This movie is just supposed to be fun - fairly funny, a feel-good movie, and nothing to upset you for the most part. I wasn't coming expecting some major twist or profound acting.

Registered User

If you expect profound acting from Keanu Reaves, perhaps you also expect the same profundity from say...Adam Sandler??

I though you must have missed the 'killer' at the end and check this post expecting to discuss abot Chow's performance and what do I get??

** Strip tease cheerleader.**


I LIKE IT !!!!!
