Mofo Watch List "Throne of Blood" - Week 1, Film 1

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Throne of Blood

(1957, Japan)
Directed by Akira Kurosawa
Starring: Toshirô Mifune, Isuzu Yamada and Takashi Shimura
Recommended by The Gunslinger45

After securing a major victory on the battlefield, Taketoti Washizu and one of his commanders, Yoshiaki Miki, find themselves lost in the maze-like Spider's Web forest. They come across a spirit-like seer who tells them of their future: both have been promoted because of their victory that day; Washizu will someday be the Great Lord of the Spider's Web castle while Miki's son will someday rule as Great Lord as well. When they arrive at the castle, they learn that the first part of the prophecy is correct. Washizu has no desire to become Great Lord but his ambitious wife urges him to reconsider. When the current Great Lord makes a surprise visit to his garrison outpost, Washizu is again promoted to commander of his vanguard but his wife reminds him of the danger that comes with the position. As pressure mounts, Wahizu takes action leading to its inevitable conclusion.


Welcome to the human race...
Just finished watching it, will have a review up soon enough.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I was going to watch this yesterday but my day didnt start out as planned, so I never got around to it. I will try to watch it soon.

Care for some gopher?
I just finished watching Throne of Blood. It was actually my first Kurosawa (i don't count the 20/30 minutes i've seen of Rashomon). Overall, i really enjoyed this movie. I liked the setting and the story was interesting (i haven't seen any Macbeth-movie, only a play way back in high school of which i couldn't remember anything). But i did have some issues with it. I'm just not a fan of the acting style. It's most of the time over the top and can reduce the seriousness of a scene (at least, that's me having seen only few eastern movies). And sometimes there were scenes which made no sense to me. I'm not sure, whether the movie didn't convey the meaning or development properly or whether i just missed some information. But nevertheless and as i said before, i really enjoyed it.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Care for some gopher?
I didn't find the two funny, it was pretty annoying watching men sniveling and crying.
You're sure, you're talking about Throne of Blood? Because i didn't see any of that in this movie.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
You're sure, you're talking about Throne of Blood? Because i didn't see any of that in this movie.
Thanks! I was thinking of "The Hidden Fortress" I saw a few weeks ago.. I saw Throne of Blood, but I'll go to the library to check it out tomorrow and try to have a review by then.

MOST ANNOYING introduction music i've ever heard. I very nearly turned off the film, but instead i muted it for a couple of minutes. A few minutes into this film I remembered that I've seen it, but I finished it anyway and occupied myself with some other stuff.

I also had problems with the acting style. I didn't like his wife's acting at all.
I thought the storyline also had inconsistencies with them believing steadfast in the prophecy when convenient and then not at other times, when convenient.

Overall I thought it was an average film.

MOST ANNOYING introduction music i've ever heard. I very nearly turned off the film, but instead i muted it for a couple of minutes. A few minutes into this film I remembered that I've seen it, but I finished it anyway and occupied myself with some other stuff.

I also had problems with the acting style. I didn't like his wife's acting at all.
I thought the storyline also had inconsistencies with them believing steadfast in the prophecy when convenient and then not at other times, when convenient.

Overall I thought it was an average film.
Im sorry you didnt like it.. it is a criterion film. Im hoping to watch it very soon. Maybe today

You guys know the movie is based on Makbet? Jesus...

It's a glorious film.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

You guys know the movie is based on Makbet? Jesus...

It's a glorious film.
yes I know its based on Shakespeare's Macbeth.... is that the Polish spelling?

MOST ANNOYING introduction music i've ever heard.
Here's a version that should be more to your liking:

Yes, it is. I didn't even notice...
its ok.. its your natural language.... just interesting how its spelled

Well as the guy who suggested this film I should say something about it.

Yes this is one of three Kurosawa movies that are an adaptation of a Shakespeare play. Throne of Blood is Kurosawa's adaptation of MacBeth (the other two The Bad Sleep Well and Ran are adaptations of Hamlet and King Lear). It is one of the best pairings of Kurosawa and frequent collaborator Toshiro Mifune. I really liked how physically dynamic Mifune was in the movie, and I am just a sucker for Kurosawa's samurai movies. This was one of the earlier Kurosawa movies I saw. And is still a top 10 Kurosawa film for me. Just a damn good movie from damn good source material.

Care for some gopher?
You guys know the movie is based on Makbet? Jesus...
Who do you mean with "you guys"? There were two reviews, mine and foster's. I mentioned Macbeth...

Who do you mean with "you guys"? There were two reviews, mine and foster's. I mentioned Macbeth...
Some of us knew it was based off Macbeth.. I did because GS told me..... when he sent me his film selection.. I dont mind films based off classic novels and plays..

Have you ever seen "Royal Deceit"? Its the original danish telling of "Hamlet"..

The cast is amazing.. so many great actors

Care for some gopher?
Have you ever seen "Royal Deceit"? Its the original danish telling of "Hamlet"..
No, i haven't.