The Wolf Of Wall Street Vs Dallas Buyers Club?


So I saw both of these movies back to back and I think it is hard to choose a favorite. They both were so good. But I have to say that "The Wolf Of Wall Street" was better because it took me on a emotional roller coaster from Jordan Belfort trying to break into the stock market, to his penny stock times, to well the big finish.

While "Dallas buyers club" was an amazing movie I found that I remembered more scenes and quoted more parts of the "The Wolfe Of Wall Street" when talking to friends than "Dallas Buyers Club"

Which do you guys think is better?

I loved both, but I also preferred The Wolf of Wall Street.

I was moved by Dallas Buyers Club and it resonated more emotionally with me than The Wolf of Wall Street, but it doesn't have the same rewatchability for me. Both, however, are among my top 3 favorite movies of 2013 - with Dallas Buyers Club at #3 and The Wolf of Wall Street at #2.

If you want to be moved by a movie with characters you will love and real emotion. Dallas Buyers Club is your movie.

If you want to laugh your ass off and can stomach a group of damn dirty sons of b!tches,go with The Wolf of Wall Street.

Wolf of Wall Street. Dallas Buyers Club has better performances but Wolf is far more entertaining. I'd rather rewatch Wolf than DBC.

I was more impressed with Jared Leto and his performance than Matthew Mcconaughey

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Such a hard choice. I think I would normally say Dallas Buyers Club (which is awesome) but my truthful answer is WOWS its sooo funny!