I just watched 50/50 (2011) with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen

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Plot: A somehow controversial comedy about a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis, and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease.

I was very impressed by this movie. I am glad that I watched it and I am probably going to watch it again very soon.
As I am writting this I am trying to put aside the fact that I am a big fan of Joseph Gordon Levitt. The acting as expected was flawless, i have nothing bad to say about that. I had no idea what this movie was about when I started to watch it and when I actually realized where the name of the movie comes from, I was a little shocked. His acting is flawless and actually manages to reproduce very good and transmit to the viewer the emotions of his character: denial, acceptance, anger, resentment, pain etc. Altough you might expect it to be a drama it is pretty funny for a movie about a person getting cancer with 50% survival chances. I guess Seth Rogen has a major contribution in the funny side of the film, who is the best friend of the main character and supports him thoughout the whole process. Besides drama and comedy we also have romance. As he was diagnosed with cancer, he has to go to therapy and his therapist (Anna Kendrick) is a cute girl but not very experienced in therapy as he was one of his first cases. Anyhow if you did not watch this movie, I will not spoil it and you definetly should watch it.
I watch a lot of movies and TV shows.

50/50 was a rare treat for me. I watched it in a week when I set myself the task of watching five JGL films in five days and really enjoyed it. I have seen it many time since. It is one of the few films where I did not want to punch Seth Rogen in the face. I also loved the scenes in the hospital and without wanting to give anything in the way the scene in the car near the end just broke me.

I really would recommend that people watch this film.
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews: http://windsoc.livejournal.com/
photos: http://www.instagram.com/christopherwindsor

Have you seen "The Lookout" Cricket? It is a little contrived but I thought JGL was wonderful in it.
No, I've seen him in Dark Knight Rises, Premium Rush, Looper, and Brick, and I thought he was just ok. I thought he was decent in Hesher and I don't remember him in Havoc. I saw The Road Killers but he was just a kid. The Lookout looks interesting.

No, I've seen him in Dark Knight Rises, Premium Rush, Looper, and Brick, and I thought he was just ok. I thought he was decent in Hesher and I don't remember him in Havoc. I saw The Road Killers but he was just a kid. The Lookout looks interesting.
I have to say I didn't get the big deal of Brick, I just didn't enjoy it and found it to be just a little, I dunno, out there?

I have to say I didn't get the big deal of Brick, I just didn't enjoy it and found it to be just a little, I dunno, out there?
I liked the idea but I couldn't get into it at all.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Have you seen "The Lookout" Cricket? It is a little contrived but I thought JGL was wonderful in it.
I like that movie, too. It does have it's flaws, but it's a good watch if your in the mood for that type of movie.

I liked 50/50 quite a bit. It's nice to see it getting some love.

I did not like Brick for various reasons. Besides JGL, I thought most of the acting was pretty bad and the story was lacking as well.