Iron Man 4!


Registered User
Well haven't even got to see te 3rd movie and they are already planning Iron Man 4! I'm pretty excited since the first 2 movies were sweet! Big news for all the fans out there! Found the details on

Doesn't seem 100% confirmed at this point since it is so early in the game, but seems pretty plausible based in the info coming from those tied to the films.

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Robert Downey Jr. was asked on "Ellen" if there was going to be an Iron Man 4. He responded saying, "
I know there's going to be more Marvel movies, and they have big ideas of how to do it best," he went on to say, "We're in the middle of negotiations, blah blah blah." After Ellen pushed for confirmation, he replied, "Okay, yes."

With how Iron Man 3 turned out,
are you excited for this?

I absolutely love RDJ as Iron Man. I agree, the first one is one of the best superhero films out there. The third one though made me so angry that I was so close to turning into the Hulk. I'm a big X-Men fan, so I kind of looked at it like if they had done something like that to Magneto that they did to the Mandarin.

They could potentially redeem themselves in this film. Wonder where Tony is at in life since we haven't gotten much details about Age of Ultron...

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I'd love to see RDJ keep playing the Iron Man. I loved the first and second, did not like what they did in the third. That being said i would like RDJ in atleast one more great Iron Man movie...Shane Black stay far away now, far far away.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Delighted to hear RDJ isn't done with solo outings of Iron Man. For me he is the best piece of superhero casting by quite a substantial margin; he is just perfect in the role. I absolutely love Iron Man and Iron Man 3 and do enjoy the second one despite all the grief it gets.

One of the reasons people were assuming he would be finished soon is because of his age but I don't think it is really an issue. For a character like John McClane yeah it can start to get pretty ridiculous if they remain indestructible as they age, but due to the fact that Tony Stark has the protection of the Iron Man suit (which lets not forget is an extraordinary weapon) I think he can remain a kick-ass hero for a long time whilst still remaining plausible. And the films could actually acknowledge and address his ageing; give Iron Man the Dark Knight Returns treatment.

RDj's take on the character is one of my favorite performances of recent years. That said, the movies pale in comparison to the other comic offerings. It almost feels like, "We got a big star, great portrayal, let's throw it on the wall and press what sticks."

let's wait together for Iron Man 4

It seems RDJ's Iron Man 4 is actually Captain America 3. He will have a significant role as Iron Man in Cap 3 (tentatively titled Captain America: The Fallen Son).
I think this is probably smarter than doing an Iron Man 4. Tony will probably be portrayed as the villain, which some might not like, but I think it will be a heck of a ride. I've really enjoyed both Captain America movies very much.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
The rumours (and right now that is certainly all they are) are that Cap 3, and possibly subsequent films, are going to be dedicated to the Civil War storyline. If done right that could be truly epic!

It could also help them with character turnover in terms of future Avengers films. That could split the group apart and in future instalments be replaced by the likes of Ant Man, Doctor Strange, War Machine, Vision, Falcon, Bucky Barnes etc. And hopefully the likes of Black Panther and Ms Marvel entering the MCU

I think this is probably smarter than doing an Iron Man 4. Tony will probably be portrayed as the villain, which some might not like, but I think it will be a heck of a ride. I've really enjoyed both Captain America movies very much.
I agree. And plus the Civil War story line does make sense now, giving the fact that Chris Evans is finalizing his contract with Marvel and moving on to direct films and such. The Fallen Son brings an end to Captain America, and war upon the The Avengers thus begins....hence Avengers 3: Civil War. With Cap's death, it brings a start of a new team.

This is just my two cents, but to me it just fits.

Yup.. also waiting for Tony...

Master of My Domain
I think three films is fine. There is really no need for a fourth film imo... there is also a question of whether the fourth film is able to shine above the greatness of the original three. Instead of milking the same superhero over and over again the hollywood peeps should invest their time into something original.

All the triology is nice and I am sure that the 4th part is going to be outstanding. Its really hard to make a nice triology (I remember the matrix and the Godfather only), but I am sure that they will do it!