Holy Crap! The Zombie Pockyclypse is here!


He kept eating the mans face after being shot, that's a little insane.
I know! All the signs of being a zombie; naked in public, eating another person's flesh, being shot multiple times to be stopped. I don't know what else to call him!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
YYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS FINALLY! My dreams of the ZomPok are finally to be realised!!!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Hahaha, I read this at work, was gonna ask to go home early and start barricading the doors and windows......

Did they think they were hallucinating every time they went to the toilet, and the phonecall was someone informing them of the grim truth?

Face eating....? That beith a witch! Burn him!!!!

Remember everyone, eating faces is only good if you add seasoning, otherwise it tastes bad.....the zombie told me before he died, said it was his only regret in life.