Vin Diesel hints at new Riddick film


Earlier today Vin Diesel hinted that he is involved in another Riddick movie. He posted the following tweet with the picture shown above as an attachment.
The Furyan… soon… and looking forward to returning to that place… that dark place… called Riddick…
P.s. Have a great and productive week…
…Pa’lante y con fe…
What are your thoughts on another Riddick movie? We learned recently that Diesel has also signed on to play Dom in the fifth installment of the Fast and The Furious franchise.

Hey, Im a Pitch Black fan, and I've liked the franchise so far - own them all. none of t hem are as campy and atmospheric as PB was, but that always happens when something outgrows itself. here's hoping they dont make it too epic, and that they go back to that claustrophobic thriller feel.
something witty goes here......

Depends on what direction they go into. Chronicals Of Riddick wasn't very good. Turning Riddick from anti hero to a action star was a bad move aswell.I know they tried to make it more epic, but it seems David Twohy can't handle a big budget. He is better when restricted, I think. If they think small then big things can happen.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I like VD (great initials, huh?), but i prefer him in flicks like Boiler Room and The Fast and Furious. And we can write Babylon A.D. off the books, that was bad.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Boiler Room was his best film to date.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I actually liked both. But I agree that Pitch Black is the better of the two.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Boiler Room was his best film to date.
It's the best role I've seen him play, but I admit to not seeing many of his latest movies.

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Riddick had goodness in it. It just wasn't ridic goodness befitting of all the weirdness.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

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when's the new theme?
unfortunately... NEVER