Help! Documentary suggestions??


Help! I need to write a paper on a documentary for my class, but I'm not really big on watching documentaries... The only requirements are they it be of something appropriate and about peoples lives.. anyone have any suggestions for a good one to watch. I don't want to have to watch anything boring..

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
What do you mean about people's lives? You mean like a biography? Look at PBS The American Experience. Those are usually interesting. If you don't like the first few minutes, watch the one the following week, unless you have to turn in your paper before then.

The Devil Came on Horseback (2007)
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Help! I need to write a paper on a documentary for my class, but I'm not really big on watching documentaries... The only requirements are they it be of something appropriate and about peoples lives.. anyone have any suggestions for a good one to watch. I don't want to have to watch anything boring..
Yeah, the words "appropriate" and "people's lives" don't help us narrow it down a whole lot. First how old are you, or rather, what grade class is this for? Middle School, High School?

One of my all-time favorite documentaries is the Oscar-winner The Times of Harvey Milk (1984). Others I'd recommend include Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976), Brother's Keeper (1992), The Thin Blue Line (1988), Hoop Dreams (1994), Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997), Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (1994) and Buena Vista Social Club (1999), for starters.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Happy New Year from Philly!
Middle School--Spellbound--fun movie about kids in the National Spelling Bee.
High School--The Devil's Playground--about Amish teenagers letting off steam and living like the English, as they call those who are not Amish.
If you are in college, do your own homework. If you have some selections, in my mind run them past us. We will let you know whether we think they are worth seeing or not.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

High School--The Devil's Playground--about Amish teenagers letting off steam and living like the English, as they call those who are not Amish.
This one really surprised me. I had no idea that the Amish did this. Great suggestion!

Happy New Year from Philly!
This one really surprised me. I had no idea that the Amish did this. Great suggestion!
Yes it's called Rumspringa. Before they become members of the congregation, they go out and experience the outside world in order to make an informed decision. They raise hell, drink, do drugs, watch tv, play video games, get jobs on the outside, go to college. Whatever our kids do they do. Some go back, some stay on the outside, some get into some deep trouble. It's a good documentary.

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
From Hilter To Hollywood is my first choice for a documentary to watch. Just shows how influental Hilter was in every aspect of the Germans lives. I never knew some many fine actors and directors to musicans owed thier careers to such a monster of a man. yet, it reaffirms that Hitler was a mad genius if there was ever one.. disagree if you must with the last statement. but even today, no one man could seize the world with his ideals in 6 mths time. sorry obama lovers, Hilter was the first. not that i am a fan of the man, just amazed ar the power he held and did in a short time

wonderwall's Avatar
Registered User
I saw the Documentary "The Black List 2" recently and thought it was really good.. you might enjoy it. Preview:

I'm not a big documentary watcher, but I did see one in the theaters a few years ago called Deep Water and I was pretty much sucked into the story immediately. The story is about Donald Crowhurst, an amateur boats man who entered the first solo round-the-world boat race in 1968. It's a very interesting film which shows the effects of solitude on a person. I highly recommend it. Here's the trailer:
"Help, friends! A hamster tricked me"

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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
PBS Great American Experience is showing this week a documentary about the stockmarket crash of 1929. That certainly is about peoples' lives and very well done.

The Crash of 1929 is the title.

My Best Friend.

Although I haven't seen either of them, both of these are supposed to be very good.
It's actually a pun, My Best Fiend, not friend, playing on their deep but often contentious relationship on and off movie sets. And while it's a must for any Herzog or Kinski fans, it is rather cinema specific and probably not the best for "something appropriate and about peoples lives". Though since they never came back and clarified what in the fart that means, I suppose your guess is as good as anyone's.

It's actually a pun, My Best Fiend, not friend, playing on their deep but often contentious relationship on and off movie sets.
You're absolutely right, Holden. I own this film and I still got it wrong.