For Earth Day


My life isn't written very well.
Nasty little creatures...

I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

That's actually pretty sad... 'cause it's true...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Registered User
aw hope its not gonna end up like that, but humans have to leave the earth in several million years at least since the sun is going to burn out and destroy it eventually... =\
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Disney was actually doing an interesting promotion for their documentary called Earth. It comes out on earth day and for every ticket sold for the first week they were going to plant a tree. And apparently already 500,000 tickets have gone in advance sales, so that 500,000 trees.

Ho-hum, another boogie man story. These fairy tales give Man both too much credit (by assuming we really have that much effect on forces of nature) and too little (in assuming that we cannot adjust to a changing environment). All through recorded time, someone has always predicted the imminent end of earth or at least of mankind. Yet we keep on going.

I agree with you, that a lot of that stuff is all the hoopla and hype. I still think it's a nice promotion of Disney to do to plant all those trees, since it's proven they're good for the environment. As far as the movie goes, I saw it last night and can say that if your worried about it being preachy about global warming, that you have nothing to be worried about. The film really focuses on the animals and earth in it's current state. It really doest touch on what the future holds.