Valentine's Day


The celebration of love, cupid, and all that other chocolate-coma related stuff is upon us once again. For those of you with that special someone, or someones if that's the case, got any special plans? and for those of you without, got any special grinchy plans?

Edit: so it's over, fun day though, consisting mostly of a Doctor Who Marathon with the neighbors and assorted folk, and a wonderful evening with the lady-friend afterward. Sorry for being sunshine and daisies, but as far as my first Valentine's day not spent alone went, it was awesome.

I'm planning to go hear Irish music at a nearby pub and drink something good.

Sounds like fun. A bit of Wolfe Tones, or Clannad and some

Comment is free but facts are sacred

Happy Valentine's Day, MoFos. Nothing much planned here right now. Just gonna watch some TV with my lady friend, and the two of us'll probably go catch a movie later, then walk down to the local Wines and Spirits.

Oh, by the by: to mark the day, Amazon's giving away free downloads of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" all day (and yesterday):

Cool, no?

Originally Posted by Yoda
Oh, by the by: to mark the day, Amazon's giving away free downloads of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" all day (and yesterday):

Cool, no?
Only if in a couple of weeks, they give away Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach".

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
No, it's not really cool, but it snowed roughly 6 inches here yesterday, so it IS cold...
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

We just got back from our usual Valentine's/birthday party. My oldest is just one day past the date. We all got Valentine's day presents, and then my son got his birthday gifts. That, Chinese food, cake, ice cream, and a movie. It was very nice. I got a "For You, Mom" Valentine's day card, and a loooong box of chocolate dipped strawberries.

Penny and I are going out tommorow for dinner and a movie, then maybe some quiet time at the beach. Think we may go to the Melting Pot, or McGuires Irish Pub.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
We did Valentine's yesterday with the usual dine-in meal. Brenda normally plans a special dinner, but she was at work and Sarah and I had Lincoln's Birthday off (Bre had last Monday off for that), so I cooked the steak and baked potatoes. We exchanged gifts too. Brenda had to go to her family's house 150 miles away today, and although we always go together as a family unit, a few things came up which made it impossible for Sarah and me to go. Luckily, we also all have Monday off for President's Day (go ahead and shoot us, if you can), so we'll make up for any lost time then.

Happy Valentine's Day, even if you think that's an oxymoron!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Hello everyone.
I'm full of love at the moment.

I'm an old warthog that found love to a wonderful woman.
This is what I did for Mrs. Darcy for for Valentine's Day, 2009.
I'll let the pictures tell the story.
I love Mrs. Darcy!
And rep...

"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

Female Jungle Poster
We really didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Hubby got liquored up and fell asleep, so I commandeered the TV.
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

This was the first Valentine's Day I didn't have a Valentine since 2003.

I read a library book. I called a friend who had just went to a friend's funeral the day before. She was eating. She didn't return my call. I went to sleep. I had a sex dream.

Well my plans have been shot for today - which is the day we were going to celebrate Valentines. Been painting all day and Penny had to work late and just got home. She is very tired and not feeling up to going out. So now I have to find someting for dinner and stay in . I am not mad at her, she thinks I am, I am just disappointed in how the day turned out, it is not her fault. On th upside I did get a lot done around the house today. I painted my mothers room for her and also painted her bed. She loves yellow and always wanted a yellow room and white furniture. When my father was alive he was into the wood look which I guess she put up with. I am going to try and finish the trim tonight since I am not going out. We are going to try and make it up later next week. Hope the rest of you had a good Valentines .

You ready? You look ready.
I drank. A lot.

No, I'm just kidding. Or am I?

I don't really remember.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Well I had a relaxing Valentines day, I went to Target to go buy some Pokemon figures, then I went to my best friend Zach's house to go chill. Then I came home and relaxed and for dinner I had country fried steak.

It was a fun and relaxing day. Though, I was abit and still am lovesick.

It was a rather long day to me... my Mom brought me some sugar-free brownies... and I sat with my Aunt for a while... and then went to work... to break up couples cupid's arrows apparently missed...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I.. to break up couples cupid's arrows apparently missed...

Sometimes I think Cupid needs his arse whooped for putting people together that have no buisness being a couple.It isn't love thats's Cupid!

BTW Cait, if I do not say it enough forgive me, but thanks for all you do to make the area you live in safer for a lot of people. If only you could work over here in Pensacola, most of the cops here are great people, but their leadership sucks.

Welcome to the human race...
I spent the day at home, sat around, re-watched Heavy Metal (which I reckon is one rather amusing choice considering the occasion) and yeah, about the closest I did to actually following the day's traditions was calling up my lady friend who, unfortunately for the both of us, lives in an entirely different state...

Such is life.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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