Song Tournament 14


I add different stuff but still.....

I edit my nominations btw
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Added my extra eight.

I won't be home until probably 7:30 Pacific.
If you write down what you wanna nominate, I can link them for ya.

So I should nominate 16 songs, not only 8? Correct?
If you're into torturing people, I guess.

I've edited my originale post, and added 8 more songs.

EDIT: I'm gonna change 2 of the songs. Tugg and I both nominated Dido - White Flag and I can see my one The Supremes song has been a runner up, so I'll change those two.

I tink I'm gonna start the Tournament tonight. So let's say entries close at 7:00pm Eastern
If you're doing a mega, you want 16 people with 16 noms. Best bet is probably to wait till tomorrow.