Your favourite Batman


Who is the best Batman
25 votes
Michael Keaton
0 votes
Val Kilmer
3 votes
George Clooney
20 votes
Christian Bale
5 votes
Ben Affleck
53 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
Adam West was fantastic for the style he had to play off. So was Ben Affleck and Keaton.

But Bale is the best combo for me.

George Clooney nipples forever.
Although the movie wasn't great, I thought George Clooney made a pretty good Bruce Wayne. Bruce is supposed to be aloof, languid, arrogant, detached, vain, self-possessed, etc. All Clooney had to do was be himself!

I may have a new favorite Batman.
I've only watched half of this so far... but it's nearly perfect.
I was skeptical of the Joker before he turned around... but after? Well, judge for yourself.
(Plus - Michael Madsen as Bullock! Epic!)

I love that Keaton is winning this.

Keaton was the best by a pretty clear margin. As both Batman and Bruce Wayne.

Affleck was the second best.

Bale, although he starred in the best Batman film, was a mediocre Batman/Bruce Wayne. I hated that stupid voice he used.

Kilmer was mediocre entirely because he didn't wanna be there.

And of course, Clooney was a joke, as was the movie.

None of them really, but having to pick one I’ll go with Keaton. Batman is far better as animation than live action, I’d like to see a motion capture Beowulf style movie - then we just need a voice actor. Mark hamill was great btw as joker in the video games.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Although Keaton's performance was really good, I am surprised he is voted the most, because he doesn't have a Bruce Wayne look it all it seems, compared to the other actors, I would say.

Although Keaton's performance was really good, I am surprised he is voted the most, because he doesn't have a Bruce Wayne look it all it seems, compared to the other actors, I would say.
True, clooney was the square jawed comic book Batman. Maybe it’s more burton that made Keaton the best? How would Keaton have done with the script clooney had?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I didn't think that Keaton's two movies had the best scripts either and there were flaws in the scripts for sure. I was never much of a Burton fan. But I think Keaton's performance elevated the scripts beyond what they were for sure. I think Keaton would have probably have done the best, if he had the Batman Begins script to work with back in 88 for sure.

Let's see; Kilmer was generally wooden as Batman, Clooney was good only in a "self-awaringly" campy sense (plus, neither Batfilm they were in were very good), while The Dark Knight trilogy, though generally good, with the best Batman film to boot, still sucked a lot of the life the character could've had with with Nolan/Bale's extremely straight-faced, entirely humorless characterization of Bruce Wayne, and Affleck's Batman, though better than I expected, still came in, well, the movies it came in. That leaves Michael Keaton as the best Batman overall to date, as not only was he in the only one I really enjoyed before TDK trilogy, but his take on the character left an actual impression on me as well, with his capture of the character's various neuroses:

Victim of The Night
...while The Dark Knight trilogy, though generally good, with the best Batman film to boot, still sucked a lot of the life the character could've had with with Nolan/Bale's extremely straight-faced, entirely humorless characterization of Bruce Wayne...
We are of one mind on this.

We are of one mind on this.
Yeah; as indifferent as I was to '89 otherwise, I would've loved to see Bale's Bruce show as much life as Keaton did in this moment at any one point during TDK trilogy: