Title of this movie ?


I saw a movie title on Pay Per View but I did not make note of it and now I can't order it . It's a recent movie , it is a true story of a man who turns to crime to support his family . Does anyone know the title of this movie ?


If it's a new movie, you might find a recent review of it on rogerebert.com. Read through the reviews of recent movies to find the description you're looking for.

Any other info?... there are quite literally hundreds of films that would match that description.

Maybe dates or decades when it was possibly made, any actors you might have recognised... etc.

It could possibly be The Iceman or The Place Beyond the Pines.
No, it is neither of these two movies. I should note the title of the movie in the future if I see something interesting being advertised on pay per view because it is next to impossible to find it otherwise.

Any other info?... there are quite literally hundreds of films that would match that description.

Maybe dates or decades when it was possibly made, any actors you might have recognised... etc.
Yes, you are right . It would be a new movie made this year or last year because it is a new release on Pay Per View . Knowing the actors would certainly help to find it because then I could search the Pay Per View using its "search" function but unfortunately I don't .

Maybe "Kill The Irishman"?

"Snitch" possibly not exactly what you describe but it's the only thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned.

Go Agead, Make My Day
BLOOD TIES maybe, a 2013 movie
“Violence is one of the most fun things to watch” Quentin Tarantino

Maybe "John Q", but your description is vague