Boycott Movies


That's the one thing i hate Yoda for. That thread was amazing and he deleted it
Dammit he did he! F**k I forgot!

F**k it! Lets make our own!

I nominate Robert Downy Jr to be Mario, Jason Statham to be Luigi, Peter Dinkldge to be Toad, Caitlyn Jenner can be Peach and Bowser can be played by Hilary Clinton.

and Bowser can be played by Hilary Clinton.
I'm tired of Hillary Clinton always playing Bowser.

Well how 'bout that, I like Metropolis too.

That movie has nothing to do with God, you know?

Metropolis isn't referenced to The Lord specifically but it's about how Satan aka the Elitist of the movie which enslave the bottom world using women.

Ultimately the message of the movie is how Satan uses women to enslave many hence why you see the robot that's given female characteristics to drive men crazy with their promiscuity.

The upside down pentagram represents baphomet aka satan. The robot in the picture is what turns into the woman....

The movies message is that women are ultimately robots controlled by Satan because good men are too weak to save them.

This movie relates to the bible in many ways....

In Genesis, the first book of the bible, Eve gives into the serpents temptations and eats the forbidden fruit and ultimately, getting Adam to sin also.

Many stories throughout the bible you'll see similar stories. Samson and Delilah is another one of many.

Caitlyn is one of those Venus Fly Trap plants that pop out of the pipes. She bites off Mario's penis and turns him into Maria.

Caitlyn is one of those Venus Fly Trap plants that pop out of the pipes. She bites off Mario's penis and turns him into Maria.
I like it! But that leaves us without a Princess Peach, Who is gonna be Peach? Can we get Josh Gad?

Originally Posted by Leviticus
The movies message is that women are ultimately robots controlled by Satan because good men are too weak to save them.

Isn't that kind of unfair to blame on men? Wouldn't the true villains be scientists? It was SCIENCE that produced the sinful robot!

Men are also to blame for being weak and following the robot women. But where free will comes in.... Not everyone has to follow weakness.... The point is to try to break free from the spell.

Science is what ultimately is trying to disprove G-d with their false theories of evolution being taught in schools. The new world order is about turning away from the good ole Lord whom is alive, always and forever.

Cmon, Omni, nothing he say is serious. This has turned into a joke discussion mate.
Be serious. Listen to our guest speaker.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
the good ole Lord whom is alive, always and forever.
Ooooh, but didn't you know?

He... died. HE'S BACK NOW DON'T WORRY, but yeah, he was clinically deceased for a few days there.

As far as i'm aware there are no news reports saying that the lord is back and that he is clinacally depressed. Pretty sure that is a lie.
Well wouldn't YOU be depressed if someone crucified you? Honestly, Camo, that was a mighty insensitive thing to say.