Politics UK


Yes no party is going to go out and say they're willing to form a coalition before Election Day as it could split their vote. I'm not expecting a Labour win, but I'm happy they've managed to invigorate the youth vote.
I'm made up with the collapse of UKIP too
Yeah we've heard that before and came back and will again.

Yeah we've heard that before and came back and will again.
Yeah ok. Hatefilled politics always rears its ugly head in divisive periods. Divide and conquer is ukips manifesto, not let's live together in a decent tolerant society

Yeah ok. Hatefilled politics always rears its ugly head in divisive periods. Divide and conquer is ukips manifesto, not let's live together in a decent tolerant society
But don’t you have any trepidation for the future with Muslim birth rates so much higher than average? Many of us in the states are genuinely puzzled. Islam is a very reactionary religion and hostile to all the human rights values you say you so cherish such as women and gay rights. Radicals tend to intimidate moderates into at least acquiescence if not full support. To us, it’s like you are in complete denial and have succumbed to the mass psychosis called “political correctness.” You won’t defend yourselves, your heritage and culture. Why?

there's a frog in my snake oil
But don’t you have any trepidation for the future with Muslim birth rates so much higher than average? Many of us in the states are genuinely puzzled. Islam is a very reactionary religion and hostile to all the human rights values you say you so cherish such as women and gay rights. Radicals tend to intimate moderates into at least acquiescence if not full support. To us, it’s like you are in complete denial and have succumbed to the mass psychosis called “political correctness.” You won’t defend yourselves, your heritage and culture. Why?
Can only answer personally, but: Don't see the nation as under siege, and find the rhetoric fairly inflammatory and foolish to be honest.
  • Moderates still seem to be the vast majority
  • The UK's got a decent history of slowly shuttling religious extremism down to something closer to secular co-existence
  • The straight line demographic growth interpretation assumes unchanging behaviour, ignoring facets such wealth and education access (particularly for women) driving down family size.
Attitudes such as yours exacerbate all of the above rather than move towards the solutions that are within reach. People like me have more faith in ourselves, our heritage and our culture.

Get it?
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Can only answer personally, but: Don't see the nation as under siege, and find the rhetoric fairly inflammatory and foolish to be honest.
  • Moderates still seem to be the vast majority
  • The UK's got a decent history of slowly shuttling religious extremism down to something closer to secular co-existence
  • The straight line demographic growth interpretation assumes unchanging behaviour, ignoring facets such wealth and education access (particularly for women) driving down family size.
Attitudes such as yours exacerbate all of the above rather than move towards the solutions that are within reach. People like me have more faith in ourselves, our heritage and our culture.

Get it?
Prior to the rise of the Nazis, the average German was characterized as “moderately anti-Semitic.” But when the radicals rose to power the moderates didn’t kick up too much of a fuss, now did they? Moderate politics often reflect moderates’ personalities; that is, they won’t risk everything for what they believe. As you Brits might put it: “It’s your funeral, mate.”

But don’t you have any trepidation for the future with Muslim birth rates so much higher than average? Many of us in the states are genuinely puzzled. Islam is a very reactionary religion and hostile to all the human rights values you say you so cherish such as women and gay rights. Radicals tend to intimidate moderates into at least acquiescence if not full support. To us, it’s like you are in complete denial and have succumbed to the mass psychosis called “political correctness.” You won’t defend yourselves, your heritage and culture. Why?
You are talking to people who voted for a man who calls Islam a wonderful religion and hates Israel... is never seen without a sea of burqas around him and want to open our doors of our country even wider to the third world and throw away our nuclear defenses

but I am probably one of those white supremacists that @Camo is talking about.

Our country is so great and rich for everybody we can just keep inviting more people into it

It's about skin colour not numbers

it's about hate

I didn't live on the streets when I was a kid, when I apply for jobs it doesn't say 250 people have applied for this job, it is so easy to get a doctors appointment, house prices are cheap, everything is dandy

No terrorist attack, no Muslim gang rapes

British people aren't a minority in our capital city

UKIP and their supporters are racist

But don’t you have any trepidation for the future with Muslim birth rates so much higher than average? Many of us in the states are genuinely puzzled. Islam is a very reactionary religion and hostile to all the human rights values you say you so cherish such as women and gay rights. Radicals tend to intimate moderates into at least acquiescence if not full support. To us, it’s like you are in complete denial and have succumbed to the mass psychosis called “political correctness.” You won’t defend yourselves, your heritage and culture. Why?
Why would we be worried? People act like Muslims aren't British citizens. Ok there's a few nutters gone off and been and done seriously terrible things, but by far the majority are just being British like everyone else .

Let me tell you a funny story, we have a good friend who has a heart of gold and would do anything for you but we don't involve him in any political discussion cos he's really right wing and the total opposite of me and my family's political views. I saw a Facebook post in which he said along the lines of lock up all the muslims who are on the Security services watchlist and deport them.
Yesterday we got a taxi home from work. Taxi drivers round here are mostly of middle eastern origin. Our driver was a chatty guy who asked if we minded him asking a question- he asked what we thought of muslims after the London Bridge attack . Ensued a convo which lasted the journey and me standing talking to him outside our house for a good 20 mins while he told me all about his kids and wife who teaches in a madrasa. His view? Lock up all the muslims who are in the Security services watchlist and deport them.

So? Who is in denial? And what are we denial about? As I said somewhere before political correctness had brought us the fight against sexism, homophobia, racism, if it's gone too far then it'll self correct in time I'm not concerned with it.
Culture is not a static commodity, you can't stay stuck in the past otherwise we'd still have kids working in factories and working class people like my grandad standing in line waiting to be picked (or not) for a days work on the docks.

You are talking to people who voted for a man who calls Islam a wonderful religion and hates Israel... is never seen without a sea of burqas around him and want to open our doors of our country even wider to the third world and throw away our nuclear defenses

but I am probably one of those white supremacists that @Camo is talking about.

Our country is so great and rich for everybody we can just keep inviting more people into it

It's about skin colour not numbers

it's about hate

I didn't live on the streets when I was a kid, when I apply for jobs it doesn't say 250 people have applied for this job, it is so easy to get a doctors appointment, house prices are cheap, everything is dandy

No terrorist attack, no Muslim gang rapes

British people aren't a minority in our capital city

UKIP and their supporters are racist
What are you on about? Makes no sense at all

there's a frog in my snake oil
Prior to the rise of the Nazis, the average German was characterized as “moderately anti-Semitic.” But when the radicals rose to power the moderates didn’t kick up too much of a fuss, now did they? Moderate politics often reflect moderates’ personalities; that is, they won’t risk everything for what they believe. As you Brits might put it: “It’s your funeral, mate.”
Annnnd, there it is already. The voice of reason making Nazi comparisons. Amazing.

Reckon I'll go back to the election results fella. I'll let you know if any radical Imams get Secretary of State.

Annnnd, there it is already. The voice of reason making Nazi comparisons. Amazing.

Reckon I'll go back to the election results fella. I'll let you know if any radical Imams get Ministry for Education.
No, I'm actually making human nature comparisons. The church is what is important to the point, not the pew. Remember what Santayana said?

there's a frog in my snake oil
No, I'm actually making human nature comparisons. The church is what is important to the point, not the pew. Remember what Santayana said?
Never heard of him. Did he say wildly hyperbolic Nazi comparisons are a sign of wild hyperbole? If so, good man.

*EDIT* Oh yeah. The guy who said 'Those who make inane comparisons with the past haven't understood it'. Yeah, he was alright.

Why would we be worried? People act like Muslims aren't British citizens. Ok there's a few nutters gone off and been and done seriously terrible things, but by far the majority are just being British like everyone else .

Let me tell you a funny story, we have a good friend who has a heart of gold and would do anything for you but we don't involve him in any political discussion cos he's really right wing and the total opposite of me and my family's political views. I saw a Facebook post in which he said along the lines of lock up all the muslims who are on the Security services watchlist and deport them.
Yesterday we got a taxi home from work. Taxi drivers round here are mostly of middle eastern origin. Our driver was a chatty guy who asked if we minded him asking a question- he asked what we thought of muslims after the London Bridge attack . Ensued a convo which lasted the journey and me standing talking to him outside our house for a good 20 mins while he told me all about his kids and wife who teaches in a madrasa. His view? Lock up all the muslims who are in the Security services watchlist and deport them.

So? Who is in denial? And what are we denial about? As I said somewhere before political correctness had brought us the fight against sexism, homophobia, racism, if it's gone too far then it'll self correct in time I'm not concerned with it.
Culture is not a static commodity, you can't stay stuck in the past otherwise we'd still have kids working in factories and working class people like my grandad standing in line waiting to be picked (or not) for a days work on the docks.
I'm astonished that you would even recognize that something (anything!) can go too far. But by the time you realize it, I fear, it will be past the point of no return. Do you have one or more children? if so, I feel sorry for him, her or them. "So as you sow, so will you...."

Never heard of him. Did he say wildly hyperbolic Nazi comparisons are a sign of wild hyperbole? If so, good man.
No, he was a Spanish philosopher who is most noted for saying: "Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it."

I'm astonished that you would even recognize that something (anything!) can go too far. But by the time you realize it, I fear, it will be past the point of no return. Do you have one or more children? if so, I feel sorry for him, her or them. "So as you sow, so will you...."
I have two grown up sons who are doing fine. No need for you to feel sorry for them . A bit patronising of you huh?

I have two grown up sons who are doing fine. No need for you to feel sorry for them . A bit patronising of you huh?
Congratulations! All the best to them. Never have I so hoped to be wrong, but I fear I’m not. You know, one Yank you would probably admire is our late president, John F. Kennedy. He wrote a thesis which he later elongated into a book. Do you know what its title is? If not: Why England Slept.