Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: SilentVamp


Name your favorite horror movies from the 1900's.

. . . from the 1910's.

. . . from the 1920's.

The 30's, the 40's, the 50's, the 60's, the 70's . . . I think you get my drift, but do separate them by decade.

Now place those decades in your favorite to least favorite order.

List every Hitchcock film you've ever seen, and place them in order from favorite to least favorite.

Are there any you still wish to view?

If so, name them.

Name your top five favorite directors.

Name the top five films from each, and why.

Frankenstein, or The Bride?

The Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, and The Bride.

Out of these characters listed, name them from favorite, to least favorite. Name the books that you've read, and the movies that you've viewed. With the movies, I mean for you to list any and every movie that they've been in, that you've seen. For instance, The Mummy's Tomb, Blood of Dracula, etc . . .

Have you ever seen The Gorgon?

Have you ever seen The Bat?

Have you ever seen any of the sequels to Psycho? If so, name them in order of favorite to least favorite.

Have you ever seen the sequel to The Birds? If so, did you like it?

Have you ever seen Watcher in the Woods?

Name your top ten favorite Vincent Price films.

Name your top ten favorite Christopher Lee films.

Name your top ten favorite Peter Cushing films.

Name five to ten "other" favorite actors from classic horror films. From favorite to least.

Name your favorite movies from each.

Name all the Phantom of the Opera movies you like, in order, and which you still haven't seen yet.

Do you like killer creature films?

If so, name your top ten favorite.

If not, name some of the movies that made you feel this way.

Have you ever seen Road Games?

Have you ever seen Prom Night?

Have you ever seen Terror Train?

Name your favorite scream queen/s, and in order.

Do you like John Carpenter?

Name your favorite John Carpenter movies, in order.

Name the John Carpenter movies you haven't seen yet?

Replace the name in those last three questions with Stephen King.

Which King Kong movie is your favorite?

Place them in order, from favorite, to least favorite.

Explain why they are in that order.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Thanks for doing this. I have a couple of really busy days coming up, but when I get the chance to hang out here again, I will get this done.

By the way, NO questions about The Monkees?
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Thanks for doing this. I have a couple of really busy days coming up, but when I get the chance to hang out here again, I will get this done.

By the way, NO questions about The Monkees?
Believe it or not, I'm not even half way done with your list. Like I've said, the more I know the person, their personality, the things we have in common . . . Like The Monkees . . . The more fun I have with these.

I was going to go ahead and add the next set last night, but thought you might want me to wait. It's up to you.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Believe it or not, I'm not even half way done with your list. Like I've said, the more I know the person, their personality, the things we have in common . . . Like The Monkees . . . The more fun I have with these.

I was going to go ahead and add the next set last night, but thought you might want me to wait. It's up to you.
No, you can go ahead and post it if you want. Then when I get back here, I can spend my day answering all the questions.

Hi SV I know you're a Beatles fan, so I have some questions

what was the first Beatles song you remember falling in love with?

Which song means the most to you and why?

Have you read - The Beatles - All These Years: Volume One: Tune In by Mark Lewison? It's nuts how much detail that guy has managed to piece together and the first volume at 1000 pages only takes us up to 1962. It was pretty cool foe me to read as it mentions lots of thing and places I remember.

Describe your childhood - was it a happy one?

Do you or did you get on with your parents?

Do you have any pets?

What was your first job?

Do you have any siblings?

I'm sure I'll think of more after you've worked your way through this lot!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Name your favorite horror movies from the 1900's.
The Sealed Room

. . . from the 1910's.
Frankenstein (1910)

. . . from the 1920's.
The Phantom of the Opera
The Man Who Laughs
The Bells
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The 30's,
The Bride of Frankenstein
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Old Dark House

the 40's
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Uninvited
The Body Snatcher
Dead of Night
The Lodger

the 50's
The Black Castle
Night of the Demon (Curse of the Demon)
Invasion of The Body Snatchers
House of Wax
The Man Who Could Cheat Death

the 60's
Little Shop of Horrors
The Pit and the Pendulum
The House of Usher
The Tell-Tale Heart

the 70's
The Omen
Blood and Lace
The Wicker Man

The 80's
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Hitcher
The Fog

The 90's
Scream 2

An American Haunting

The Conjuring
The Woman in Black

Now place those decades in your favorite to least favorite order.

List every Hitchcock film you've ever seen, and place them in order from favorite to least favorite.
The Lodger
Dial M for Murder
The 39 Steps
Shadow Of a Doubt
Strangers On a Train
Foreign Correspondent
The Lady Vanishes
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The Birds
To Catch a Thief
Rear Window
The Trouble with Harry
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
North By Northwest
Torn Curtain

Are there any you still wish to view?
Nothing in particular comes to mind. I suppose I should make a list of all that I haven't seen and then spend a weekend finishing off all of his films so that I can say that I saw all of them

Frankenstein, or The Bride?
Character: Frankenstein Movie: The Bride

The Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, and The Bride.

Out of these characters listed, name them from favorite, to least favorite.
The Bride
The Mummy
The Wolfman
The Invisible Man
The Creature from the Black Lagoon

Have you ever seen The Gorgon?

Have you ever seen The Bat?
Yes. Both the films from 1926 and 1959

Have you ever seen any of the sequels to Psycho? If so, name them in order of favorite to least favorite.
I've only seen the second one. So, as of right now, the first is still the best.

Have you ever seen the sequel to The Birds? If so, did you like it?
I didn't even know there was a sequel!

Have you ever seen Watcher in the Woods?

Name your top ten favorite Vincent Price films.
The House of Seven Gables
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex
Tales of Terror
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Tomb of Ligeia
House of Usher
House of Wax
The Masque of Red Death
Twice-Told Tales

Name your top ten favorite Christopher Lee films.
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
The Wicker Man
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
A Tale of Two Cities
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Dracula: Prince of Darkness
Horror of Dracula
The Curse of Frankenstein
Revenge of the Sith
The Devil Rides Out

Name your top ten favorite Peter Cushing films.
Star Wars (of course!!)
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Dracula: Prince of Darkness
The End of the Affair
The Curse of Frankenstein
The Flesh and the Fiends
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell
The Revenge of Frankenstein
Night Creatures (Captain Clegg)

Name five to ten "other" favorite actors from classic horror films. From favorite to least.
Name your favorite movies from each.
Lon Chaney - The Phantom of the Opera
Boris Karloff - The Bride of Frankenstein
Peter Lorre - Mad Love
Basil Rathbone - Son of Frankenstein
Bela Lugosi - Dracula (although I really like The Body Snatcher, too)

Name all the Phantom of the Opera movies you like, in order, and which you still haven't seen yet.
Seen: 1925, 2004, 1943, 1962 and 1990 (TV)
Not seen: Well, anything that isn't listed. It takes a lot of effort for me to watch them because I don't like it when they fool with the original story too much. So, who knows if I will get around to ever watching any other one.

Do you like killer creature films?
I'm kind of indifferent to them. I have seen a few, and they were OK. Some were very good. But they aren't really my preferred type of horror.

Have you ever seen Road Games?

Have you ever seen Prom Night?

Have you ever seen Terror Train?
Yes - a long time ago, though

Name your favorite scream queen/s, and in order.
I really only have two that I would call "favorites" and those are Jamie Lee Curtis and Fay Wray.

Do you like John Carpenter?

Name your favorite John Carpenter movies, in order.
The Fog
Assault of Precinct 13
Big Trouble in Little China
Village of the Damnes

Name the John Carpenter movies you haven't seen yet?
I really want to see "In the Mouth of Madness"

Do you like Stephen King?
Love him!

Name your favorite Stephen King movies, in order.
The Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
Carrie (kind of tied with Cujo)
Needful Things
Children of the Corn (followed closely by Dolores Claiborne)

Which King Kong movie is your favorite?

Place them in order, from favorite, to least favorite.
1933, 2005, 1976 and, I suppose, "King Kong vs. Godzilla"

Explain why they are in that order.
Because that is based on how much I enjoyed watching them.

I skipped two things that you asked. One was about my having read books and then what movies I have seen. The second part sounded like it should've been only the movies involving those characters (i.e. Dracula). But the first part sounded general (as in I read "Gone With The Wind" and I have seen the movie). So, do you want me to list only the horror ones?
Also, I skipped the director question. Do you want me to list any director or horror directors? I am only asking that because it came in the middle of horror-related questions. Sorry that I am so stupid that I get confused over questions that are probably quite simple to everyone else if you'd asked them the same thing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wow, I didn't know you loved horror so much

My questions:

So who are you?...(what kind of person are you, what makes you tick.)

Tell us a bit about what your life is like?

Tell us what qualities you like in other people?

Tell us what qualities you dislike in other people?

You recently said you felt a kinship to the character Joy in Happiness. Why?

Can you think of another movie character that you feel a kinship too?

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I have to get off of here for awhile now. So, christine, Chypmunk and Citizen, I will get to your questions either later tonight or tomorrow.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Vamp just messaged me and said her computer has a virus and she took it to be repaired. She was at the library using their computer. She asked me to say that it won't be for about a week until she returns. But she will be back.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Vamp just messaged me and said her computer has a virus and she took it to be repaired. She was at the library using their computer. She asked me to say that it won't be for about a week until she returns. But she will be back.

Thanks for the info.

A week to repair a virus? That must be a very nasty bug she got.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
what was the first Beatles song you remember falling in love with?
I honestly don't think I could answer this one because I don't know. The Beatles' music has always been in my life for as far back as I can remember because various members of my family listened to them, too. So their music has always been around.

Which song means the most to you and why?
I guess it would have to be my favorite of theirs, which is "The Long and Winding Road". I suppose, in a way, it is somewhat of a nostalgic song for me because it is the one that I loved most as a kid. This was not only my overall favorite Beatle song, but also my overall favorite song. I used to listen to it all the time. It does remind me of my childhood for that reason. As I have gotten older, though, this song has become a little different for me. My feelings about it is that there is something mournful, yet hopeful at the same time, about it. I love the lyrics. I love the melody. I just really love this song.

Have you read - The Beatles - All These Years: Volume One: Tune In by Mark Lewison? It's nuts how much detail that guy has managed to piece together and the first volume at 1000 pages only takes us up to 1962. It was pretty cool foe me to read as it mentions lots of thing and places I remember.
Not yet. It has been on my "To Read" list for awhile now. I really should put it on my list for one of the first books that I read in 2016. I am not going to reach my Goodreads goal anymore this year. So, I am already planning on next year. And I think this will be one of the first ones that I read. That way we can talk about some of the things and places that you remember. That would be very interesting for me to hear about.

Describe your childhood - was it a happy one?
Honestly? It was pretty average. I am sure there are parts of it that were better than average. And there were certainly parts that were worse than average. All-in-all, though, I would say it was average. The only two semi-exciting things that happened were the fact that I won the Connect Four classroom tournament when I was 12 and I won First Prize at the Girl Scout Halloween Hop when I was 11. I was Miss America. Oh! And I did make it to third place in the school wide spelling bee. I don't remember what word I lost out on, but I think it was a case of just being tired with being up there because it was like it NEVER ended. But I never really know what to give as an example as to what would maybe give an idea of what life was like. I always hear people say that they watch a certain movie, or read a particular book, and they will say "That is what it was like growing up in my house". They base that statement on having grown up in what could be a called an Irish household or Italian household, or a Jewish or Catholic household, or whatever they are! And that is always interesting to me because a lot of those stories that are related to a particular religious or ethnic household can relate to my life, too. Seriously. I didn't grow up in a particularly religious house. And I definitely didn't know what it was like to grow up in a very "ethnic" family. But maybe that is why I can relate to those other stories. Essentially, we just lived our lives. I suppose some people would find that strange as my father isn't even American. But there was nothing that was heavy in our house based on where he came from. In fact, my grandmother never even spoke anything but English to us (with occasionally a little word here and there that wasn't English). We weren't the richest people, but we were never without (we were the first house on the block to have a computer and cable ). And even if it wasn't the most spectacular childhood, compared to the way life turned out for me, I would give anything to experience it again. Sometimes I desperately miss it.

But if I do have to compare it to a movie, there is one that I use an example quite often, in fact. I always like to compare my life to "A Christmas Story". It was so great to be a kid at Christmastime! Yeah, I know I was not a boy growing up in 1940's Indiana. But I was a girl who grew up in a decade not too far off from the 1940's in Wisconsin. Strangely enough when I was a kid, we were still like it was then. And that would be my best comparison.

I think I am babbling now. So I will shut up about that.

Do you or did you get on with your parents?
I am fine with my mother. Yes, we have our differences. Who doesn't?! But she is a good mother. And we are fine together. I am actually alright with my father, too, but he drives me crazy. We could be having a decent conversation and it will be the most random thing he will pick out of that conversation. Then he will use it to somehow criticze me with it. Then the conversation will turn into an absurd argument. So, it is for that reason that I don't talk to my father as much as I know I should. After years of it, you would think you'd get used to it, but it just becomes more frustrating as time goes by.

Do you have any pets?
Not currently

What was your first job?
I worked in a book store

Do you have any siblings?
5 brothers

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
So who are you?...(what kind of person are you, what makes you tick.)
I have absolutely, positively no idea. I have given this question a lot of thought, and I don't have an answer. After all, when a person describes his/herself, it tends to come across kind of egotistical. So, the best way to describe myself would be to say that I do (hopefully) possess the qualities mentioned in the your third question and that I do not possess any (or at least not most of) the qualities mentioned in the 4th question that followed.

Tell us a bit about what your life is like?
Well, in all honesty, it is exceptionally boring. I am really not exaggerating. If this question would've been asked 10 years ago, I would've had so much to tell you. Unfortunately, something (although, at the time I didn't know how significant it would become) happened 10 years ago that really affected my life. And with everything that has followed (nothing but a string of one unfortunate/unlucky event after another), my life just hasn't seemed to improve. No matter how hard I try to fix the various situations (problems) that I currently have, I just can't seem to knock that dark cloud hanging over me away.

But I won't go on and on about it because I would just sound like a crybaby feeling terribly sorry for herself. Believe me, I would love to tell you some really interesting story about my incredibly exciting and successful life. Unfortunately it is the complete opposite. And I kind of think we should leave it at that for now.

Tell us what qualities you like in other people?
Open-mindedness, intelligence, fantastic sense of humor, exceptionally good table manners and, most of all, decency. I really just like it when a person is a decent person. I am not saying that they have to be a "good" person. Just a decent one.

Tell us what qualities you dislike in other people?
Intense stupidity (I swear it is a choice!), arrogance, selfishness (yeah, everyone is, but there is a difference between doing what is best for your life and looking out for yourself and doing something selfish because you think you are more deserving of it - that combination of arrogance and selfishness is so vicious), phoniness , perkiness , bullishness, incredible rudeness, obnoxiousness (this is a reason why I really can't watch any game show other than Jeopardy - I hate obnoxious people) and tactlessness. Also, people who are mean for the sake of being mean.

You recently said you felt a kinship to the character Joy in Happiness. Why?
I am not too sure how to explain it. But I guess there is that certain sense of disappointment in both the professional and personal life that made me feel it. Just of things not working out. Also, the idea that you want to live your life, but others think that they can tell you what is best like you're some sort of idiot who can't handle your own life. That is hard to take. I don't know. It is kind of hard to explain because some of it needs to be kept private.

Can you think of another movie character that you feel a kinship too?
Well, I already said that I had one with the character of Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" in that review in the animated musical HoF. Yeah, I felt a connection to a cartoon character. I find myself connecting more to literary characters rather than ones from film. Strangely enough, the major ones are all from Jane Austen novels. Of course, the stories have all been filmed at one time or another. So, I might as well just list them now. Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice". We are so much alike at times that it is almost scary. I used to really relate to Marianne from "Sense and Sensibility". But as I've gotten older, I have related more to her sister Elinor. And I always felt a connection to the character of Anne Elliot in "Persuasion". Especially the older that I get. Those would have to be the major ones.