Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Really wanted to see NOVA in this one

Anybody know why NOVA was not introduced?

Really wanted to see NOVA in this one

Anybody know why NOVA was not introduced?
If you're talking about Richard Rider, he'll be part of the MCU soon.
They're going to introduce him in a one-off special.

So hyped for this. I was laughing like hell at the start of the trailer where Drax threw the ball on that child’s face
^ This. That part got me.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
I just hope it's better than Quantumania. Marvel's Phase 5 so far has not been very good.

I LOVE GOTG v1 and v2.

I just realized it's much easier to say "mix tape" than "mix disc".
I wonder which classic songs this soundtrack will include. I'd love to hear Space Truckin' by Deep Purple. Peter Quill could at least wear the t-shirt.

Boldly going.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The first one had the most coherent plot, the second was the funniest and this one was the most sentimental. There were some funny bits but overall it was just a bit messy. They just run around rescuing each other like in Avatar 2. It wasn't Love and Thunder bad, but a bit disappointing all the same.

The first will always be my favorite Marvel film. It was lightning in a bottle. The second, all I think about are the needle drops

This one feels like Gunn wasn’t trying to put his newest, brightest, risky idea out. Like he knew the relationship had soured and he was saving his juice for the next big thing. Maybe indulge in some of his schlocky tendencies. Let’s not use any great songs I want for the future. Make Adam Warlock a himbo . Wrap it up with an Ewok dance party.

I enjoyed it, it never drags, it just wasn’t special this time.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
The final battle was messy.
WARNING: "The High Evolutionary" spoilers below
Earlier, the High Evolutionary was surrounded by his staff and the had their guns all on him, and he vaporized them all with little effort. Later the Guardians have him surrounded, and he just folds. I thought this was messy.

It was ok. After seeing L&T, Im happy with ok. Dont foresee going to another Marvel film for awhile, was urged by my boss to see this one.

The first will always be my favorite Marvel film. It was lightning in a bottle. The second, all I think about are the needle drops

This one feels like Gunn wasn’t trying to put his newest, brightest, risky idea out. Like he knew the relationship had soured and he was saving his juice for the next big thing. Maybe indulge in some of his schlocky tendencies. Let’s not use any great songs I want for the future. Make Adam Warlock a himbo . Wrap it up with an Ewok dance party.

I enjoyed it, it never drags, it just wasn’t special this time.
End Game/Infinity War writes backed him into a corner with Gamora. He failed miserably at paying it off. Rocket's story which was basically the main theme had seeds of a very good story. I think it had themes that were very important i.e. socialism sucks d*ck. I just think he paid it off terribly and the rest of the movie is a car wreck around it. Not to mention it sidelined Rocket the whole movie. End sucked. Just basically tied off loose knots abruptly. I just think the most unforgivable aspect is Peter and Gamora's relationship. Again alot of it was taken out of his hands. I think if Gunn could have separated GOTG from the MCU he might have been able to land this plane. He landed it but the plane was a mess and unflyable now.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
The High Evolutionary's plan didn't really make sense.
WARNING: "the bad plan" spoilers below
The High Evolutionary was after Rocket's brain, because Rocket was special i.e. Rocket was very smart, or very creative, or something... Which then begs the question: Didn't the H.E. create a civilization? Weren't at least SOME of those people highly intelligent or creative? And H.E. decided to destroy this planet because they weren't behaving well, yet Rocket isn't exactly a model on good behavior.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
That the ideal society of Counter Earth looked like American suburbs of the 80s was possibly the strangest thing about the High Evolutionary's plan.

They failed to make any sense of the Quill/Gamora situation. Quill now needs to 'learn how to swim' by being alone? When previously it has been about him learning to take things seriously and be part of a team. It's not the first time the MCU has fluffed a character's emotional arc for the sake of a neat ending... Captain America going back to be with Peggy after several films worth of him moving on and learning to live in the modern world springs to mind.

Another thing I forgot about, the Guardians theme was non-existent.

The first two prominently featured the swell of horns that signified the good guys getting the upper hand. It’s so good, they had the Hoff remix it!!!

Seems like they played it twice this time 🥺

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Other than Spider-Man, of Marvel's current crop of movies, the Guardians of the Galaxy series is among the only ones left I have a "must watch" mentality for. Everything else, I could take or leave, personally. That said, I look forward to watching this film.

Welcome to the human race...
End Game/Infinity War writes backed him into a corner with Gamora. He failed miserably at paying it off. Rocket's story which was basically the main theme had seeds of a very good story. I think it had themes that were very important i.e. socialism sucks d*ck. I just think he paid it off terribly and the rest of the movie is a car wreck around it. Not to mention it sidelined Rocket the whole movie. End sucked. Just basically tied off loose knots abruptly. I just think the most unforgivable aspect is Peter and Gamora's relationship. Again alot of it was taken out of his hands. I think if Gunn could have separated GOTG from the MCU he might have been able to land this plane. He landed it but the plane was a mess and unflyable now.
Not sure where you're getting the anti-socialism sentiment from here since the heroes are the ones effectively running a commune and the villain is the one who plans to play God with those he deems his inferiors (I would think calling himself the "High" Evolutionary would imply that he sees himself at the top of the proverbial food chain, whereas there isn't such a sense of hierarchy among the citizens of Knowhere).

The High Evolutionary's plan didn't really make sense.
WARNING: "the bad plan" spoilers below
The High Evolutionary was after Rocket's brain, because Rocket was special i.e. Rocket was very smart, or very creative, or something... Which then begs the question: Didn't the H.E. create a civilization? Weren't at least SOME of those people highly intelligent or creative? And H.E. decided to destroy this planet because they weren't behaving well, yet Rocket isn't exactly a model on good behavior.
WARNING: "GOTG 3" spoilers below
But that's exactly it - despite T.H.E.'s deliberate efforts to create truly intelligent life again and again, his only success (by his extremely exacting standard, at least) was the purely accidental Rocket. The blonde children are his latest experiment and he complains that they can memorise and perform complex tasks but can't actually innovate on their own so he also considers them expendable - the same is arguably true of the people of Counter-Earth and how their civilisation has effectively stagnated in the same sort of suburbs and slums as modern America. That's the reason he purges them, not because of some arbitrary idea of "bad behaviour" (which he would excuse in Rocket's case since it's a by-product of his unique intelligence).

That the ideal society of Counter Earth looked like American suburbs of the 80s was possibly the strangest thing about the High Evolutionary's plan.

They failed to make any sense of the Quill/Gamora situation. Quill now needs to 'learn how to swim' by being alone? When previously it has been about him learning to take things seriously and be part of a team. It's not the first time the MCU has fluffed a character's emotional arc for the sake of a neat ending... Captain America going back to be with Peggy after several films worth of him moving on and learning to live in the modern world springs to mind.
I think it is because T.H.E. considered Earth itself to be a kind of template for the world he wanted to create and all that he would need to do to improve it would be to fill it with highly-evolved beings of his own design.

Each of Quill's individual arcs across each movies has been one of maturity and acceptance. The original had him learn to open up to others again after being emotionally stunted by his mother's death, Vol. 2 had him come to terms with his true parentage and realise that Yondu was a better father figure for him than Ego ever was, and this one had him deal with the fact that the Gamora he knew was gone. If anything...

WARNING: "GOTG 3" spoilers below
I respect that they didn't actually bring them back together again. It's as if Gunn was consciously avoiding the same empty regression as the Steve/Peggy ending and knew that it made more sense for Quill (and by extension the rest of the Guardians) to move on in their own directions, especially if it meant him finally returning home after spending decades on space adventures.

Another thing I forgot about, the Guardians theme was non-existent.

The first two prominently featured the swell of horns that signified the good guys getting the upper hand. It’s so good, they had the Hoff remix it!!!

Seems like they played it twice this time 🥺
I watched it two days after watching the first two back-to-back and I still couldn't tell you what the theme sounds like, but that's endemic to Marvel as a whole.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I watched it two days after watching the first two back-to-back and I still couldn't tell you what the theme sounds like, but that's endemic to Marvel as a whole.

Some big time film critic you are!

This may be more your speed…
