Seeking A friend for something something.

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Controversy is your friend
Hello there everyone, i have been really busy...i normally watch 2 to 3 movies a week, but i've only seen 2 in the past month. Anyways, I saw seeking a friend for something something, and i liked it. I've been a little burned out of Steve Carell, but he was actually ok in the movie... I still thinks that he has that same quirk, funny look in his face which i know is his trademark but it's getting old... at least to me. Keira Knightley was great as always and i think she played a big role on me liking the movie. She has such a strong presence!!!. The plot was interesting; with some many movies about the end of the world this had a completely new approach to it...No alien invasions, no deseases, no natural disasters...
What do you guys thought of that movie? Sorry i know it isn;t the latest movie but just felt like saying something

The title you're looking for is Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World. It is a film that I quite liked the look of, though didn't feel compelled to see. It just looked like "a dear little film", as a friend of mine would say.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Controversy is your friend
The title you're looking for is Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World. It is a film that I quite liked the look of, though didn't feel compelled to see. It just looked like "a dear little film", as a friend of mine would say.

Honestly i thought it would be just a silly movie, but it was a pleasant surprise.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It was done in the same style as Last Night. I found the film more depressing than funny, but still a decent film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Controversy is your friend
It was done in the same style as Last Night. I found the film more depressing than funny, but still a decent film.
Now that you say it was not done in the same style

that's what she said...
I have not yet seen this but would really like to. I hope I didnt spoil it for myself by reading the OP review, lol. I will have to comment again after watching it online or renting.
Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^