What's the single worst film you've ever seen?


I've yet to give anything a 1/10, but my lowest 2/10 would probably be Going Overboard. I've yet to watch anything which I feel is worthy of a 1/10 rating as of now.

I'm gonna go with Highlander: The Source. I love the original and despite them getting worse and worse I kept going to the sequels, maybe out of some morbid curiosity of how off the rails they could get. There are plenty of bad films I've regretted seeing but nothing lingers in terribleness in my mind like this one.

I feel like not enough people have seen Junior.

Im just surprised CR is up at this hour of time. Plus, this seems like a hail mary thread for SE to create.

Can't decide between The Führer Gives the Jews a City (1944) and Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996). Both are crimes against humanity, though the first one literally and the second figuratively.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Really, Junior hasn't been mentioned yet and that disturbs me.

This, i actually paid good money for 3 of this guy's films, other 2 were way better but this was when i first realized that experimental arthouse didn't always mean something laudable, a growing experience.

Guys, Junior. Arnold was asked to make a movie about having a baby. It sucked. No minority group got elevated. It wasn't funny. And it was a complete turd in an actors peak career.

Guys, Junior. Arnold was asked to make a movie about having a baby. It sucked. No minority group got elevated. It wasn't funny. And it was a complete turd in an actors peak career.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Really, Junior hasn't been mentioned yet and that disturbs me.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
I feel like not enough people have seen Junior.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Junior is pretty terrible.

You talk about this 'Junior' film so much it makes me think you love it secretly.

Welcome to the human race...
junior is terrible, but i'm not even sure it's in the bottom 5 schwarzenegger movies. are you really going to take collateral damage over it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Caddyshack 2

Highlander 2 is a close second.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I also watched Things since I heard it has a bad reputation as well, but I kinda...liked it?

Its "flaws" are blatantly obvious (terrible acting, terrible dialogue, terrible/misaligned sound, terrible monsters), but it's also fairly entertaining in its relentless badness to the point those elements seem like charms of the film.

The Guy Who Sees Movies
I've seen plenty of inept, cheap, cheesy movies, but "Worst" is a special word. That would be reserved for a flick I saw in something a long ago, somehow, not knowing what it was. It was a 1970 movie called Joe.

Peter Boyle starred in one of his first roles, a role he subsequently publicly regretted.

"Joe" and a buddy he's unwittingly picked up, somehow, both hate hippies, commies, protestors and whatever other outsider you might want to mention in a movie from 1970. Both spend a large part of the movie telling us that and then, at the climax, get a chance to do some murdering. Unwittingly, the "buddy" of Joe accidentally murders his own daughter since she was a hippie. He got wrapped up in all the fun of murdering and forgot to recognize his own daughter.

Some have tried to cast this movie as a cautionary tale, black comedy or "ripped from the headlines" sensation, but I thought is was the cheesiest and most malignant exploitation film I'd ever seen before or since, especially since post-mortem commentary mentions how the movie attracted more attention to guys like Joe and his partner. The commenters thought that the movie portrayed something that needed to be done in the real world...go out and shoot your daughter if she's a hippie. It's been a while since I saw it, but on this topic, the first thing that came to mind, unlike the brainless silliness of Plan 9 or Manos was Joe, a movie that had negative numbers for redeeming value or contemporary commentary and didn't even have cheesy entertainment value.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen Joe (1970) in the 12th HoF, it has it's fans I believe MarkF liked it and Cricket nominated it. I thought it was a b grade drive in movie, that wasn't so bad it's fun, it was just bad. I placed it last on my voting list.
Joe (1970)

Not a fan of this one, though Peter Boyle was real good and his character interesting. This seemed like one of those cheesy 1970s black exploitation films, only it's more like hippie exploitation. I thought the first 30 minutes with the silly caricature dope dealer was meant to be comical. He was kind of funny and reminded me of Huggy Bear from the old Starsky and Hutch TV show.

The production was low budget, but far worse was some of the actors were horrible. You can literally hear them reading their lines, they're that flat.

I had to laugh when the two nice blonde girls are buying heroin from the jive talkin' drug dealer....and they're so upbeat about it! I liked their negotiation skills! Actually that might have been the best part of the movie.