2011 oscar predictions


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I predict it will be a boring show. I win! What's my prize?
A rub-on tattoo of naked Oscar.

Is there going to be ten noms for Best Picture again this year?

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Do you think that's good or bad? I'd tend to say it's a good thing. I'm not sure how the nomination process works, but more slots always leave more room for dark horses... though... you've got to wonder if this really exists for the Academy. I'm sure it's more like everyone already knows who's going to win. Not in the sinister sense, just in the sense of mass general consensus.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

As of right now, and for the foreseeable future, they will have ten nominees. I think this is both a good thing and a bad thing. It allows room for movies that wouldn't normally get recognition but deserve it, like District 9. But it also sneaks in movies like The Blind Side, I guess to appease the masses.

One thing's for sure: If the list stays at 10, Nolan will see at least two nominations, for best picture and director. After getting the shaft with The Dark Knight, people were talking and even if Inception sucked it would still get nominated as the Academy fixing its mistake. I think that's one of the reasons they expanded the list actually, so omissions like TDK would be avoided.

And I know I'm biased here, but I honestly think Leo DiCaprio gave the best performance of the year thus far with Shutter Island. It is absurdly early to make predictions, but just for fun, I'll say the movies that have already been released that will get multiple nominations are Inception, The Kids Are Alright, Toy Story 3, and Shutter Island.
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Not saying there weren't better films than both but TDK > SM. I applaud any decision to right this wrong...

Actually all the nominees were better than SM.

I agree with Shutter Island. I'd place money on that this minute.

Is there going to be ten noms for Best Picture again this year?
It was not a one-off experiment. Yes, there will be ten nominees in the Best Picture category again. Instead of one or two favorites and three also-rans-with-no-chance there will be eight also-rans-with-no-chance. What an improvement!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I think Edge Of Darkness should get a few noms especially for Best Actor. Mel Gibson is better than ever. Inception, Toy Story 3 & Shutter Island most likely will have Best Picture noms, but also The Killer Inside Me might squeeze in. Casey Affleck was really good.

I will be majorly pissed off if The Expendables misses out on a Best Picture nod.

I think Edge Of Darkness should get a few noms especially for Best Actor. Mel Gibson is better than ever. Inception, Toy Story 3 & Shutter Island most likely will have Best Picture noms, but also The Killer Inside Me might squeeze in. Casey Affleck was really good.

I will be majorly pissed off if The Expendables misses out on a Best Picture nod.

I really hope you are being sarcastic. It's hard to tell with a couple reasonable sentences in between.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

I think Edge Of Darkness should get a few noms especially for Best Actor. Mel Gibson is better than ever. Inception, Toy Story 3 & Shutter Island most likely will have Best Picture noms, but also The Killer Inside Me might squeeze in. Casey Affleck was really good.
Almost none of these things will happen. Possibly none of them.

I will be majorly pissed off if The Expendables misses out on a Best Picture nod.
Prepare to be majorly pissed off. Or to do a little happy jig because your dry sense of humor fooled me. Either way.

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Almost none of these things will happen. Possibly none of them.
What is this? Probability police. It's a speculation thread.

That being said, I could see Shutter Island getting Best Picture. There were many films worse than SI on last year's for instance.

Well, first, Edge of Darkness doesn't seem to have impressed many people and this is the first I've heard anyone suggest it would be nominated for anything, let alone Best Picture. Second, only two animated films have ever been nominated for Best Picture, and Toy Story 3 just doesn't seem the type to be among them. I realize it's vague to say "it's just not that kind of movie," but it isn't. Shutter Island is the most plausible, but it was released quite early in the year.

The thread is, indeed, for speculation; including my speculation that someone else's speculation is crazy wrong. Granted, the expanded field might make for some unconventional nominates going forward, and I'd be glad to eat my words on Toy Story 3, but I don't think that'll happen. I'd probably want 2-1 or 3-1 odds on none of the things listed happening, and even odds if we remove Inception. I suppose time will tell if I'm right.

After The Dark Knight got shafted and Chris Nolan was all but ignored, Inception will surely get a Best Picture nod. If nothing else, it will be the District 9 of 2010. I could also see it picking up nominations for directing and original screenplay. But if there's one nomination I'm sure it will get, it's Best Picture.

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The only problem is that Inception is so far from TDK that it might seem a little ridiculous...

All I know is that The Blind Side is probably one of the worst Best Picture nominees in the history of the Academy. If that got in, anything could. It was a sh!tty film in itself (terribly shot and ugly and badly paced) and the message was utterly sh!tty and disgusting and I just hated it on every level.

Edge of Darkness? Sure! I haven't seen it, but it's probably better than THAT pile of dung.

So far, there are no films that deserve Oscar Best Picture. Personally, I would love to see Toy Story 3 winning some awards. I think there is more flop movies than last year. IMO. I would wait and see until the end of year 2010. There are more new movies coming up this Fall and holidays.

Edge Of Darkness is a movie you could watch, when you have nothing better to do..
It's a decent revenge thriller.. nothing we haven't seen before.

Oscar?? No way!!

I was just going through this list.. Amazing, that I couldn't find a single film worthy of the Best Picture title.
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I am thinking Inception will be up there in some cat's - but who knows.
I'm sure some cats will predict Inception will get some Oscars as well. Cats are well known for their predicting accuracy.
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