Computer-animated movie for Hebrew kids


My familiar watched this in the early 1990s. When I say it was animated I mean just barely animated. From what I remember much if not most of it was just computer generated stills with voice-overs. There was a kid at a Jewish school that was having some sort of competition on knowledge of brachos. Somehow he met up with this sentient bicycle that took him to some kind of magic land where he learned brachos. There was some sort of difficulty in getting back home. The next day at school he won the competition.

This movie was part of a series that included at least one other film. I once saw part of another film with the bicycle where it was in a spaceship traveling through outer space.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

It was all computer graphics. It was mostly 2D if I remember correctly. Much if not most of it may have just been still images. Perhaps the best way to help you visualize it is to say that the computer images and animation had about the same look and quality as this:

I'm looking for prison movie:

Registered User
Okay, so the clip is not from the movie, it is just something you think is similar.
It sounds like this was a series about a kid and a bicycle that maybe travelled to other times, places, dimensions, etc.
I would guess that something as Jewish as this was probably made in Israel? Or perhaps in the USA.

Okay, so the clip is not from the movie, it is just something you think is similar.
It sounds like this was a series about a kid and a bicycle that maybe travelled to other times, places, dimensions, etc.
I would guess that something as Jewish as this was probably made in Israel? Or perhaps in the USA.

It was made in USA, probably, but it is something less popular, because I found several "Jewish" movies and there aren't lost title:
1) Lights - The Chanukah (Hanukkah) Story (1983)
2) Kingdom Chums - Little David's Adventure" (1986)
3) Tzav Kriya (1989)
4) Aaron's Magic Village (1995)

Registered User
But it sounds like the same characters were in more than one "movie". So it could be episodes of a TV series. Or maybe a series of animated cartoons that were only ever release in Israel. Or that were never shown on TV, but would be bought as videos by synagogues.