Your Annuals


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
A couple of weeks ago, I had my annual screening of When Harry Met Sally.
Soonish, in the next few weeks, it'll be time for Withnail and I.
Then it's Millions for Christmas.

I'm not generally one to rewatch movies much, but those three have become personal rituals for me.
What do you rewatch, and when?
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do you always watch those three at the same time each year? how come?

the only things i watch yearly at specific dates are holiday movies, but other than that, i can't say as i am quite that organized! i do have favorites, that when i get a hankering, i'll pop them in and give them a watch. just whenever the mood strikes.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
When Harry Met Sally is sort of seasonal because there is this gorgeous scene where they're walking in Central Park and the leaves are turning, and a couple of christmas and new years' scenes too. So as soon as the weather cools off, I want to see it.

Withnail and I is about two friends who go spend a 'holiday' in this cottage and it's freezing, so I only want to see it when it's cold out and I feel like I'm holed up in a cozy cottage too.

And Millions is a Christmas story about true Christmas spirit.

It's not so much organization as a yearning.

Near Thanksgiving I always watch Scent of a Woman.

Around Christmas time I always watch Die Hard and Bad Santa.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

I don't have any such tradition really; I tried to start one for The Nightmare Before Christmas when they started re-releasing it briefly in 3D each Halloween, but the theater that did it went out of business, and I'm not sure if any others around here do it any more. I'm thinking of buying the deluxe edition and making it an annual tradition at home instead, though, which I assume is more what you meant, anyway.

The only others are things that I just happen to see around the holidays, like A Christmas Story. I don't make a deliberate decision to watch them each year, though.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Near Thanksgiving I always watch Scent of a Woman.

Around Christmas time I always watch Die Hard and Bad Santa.
I'm a little afraid you're going to say women smell like turkeys to you, but why do you watch Scent of a Woman around Thanksgiving?

Yoda, if I could go see a movie annually in a theater, I'd certainly do it. And I usually catch Christmas Story annually as well, as I can remember my step dad watching it and saying it was just like watching his own childhood.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I don't really follow that tradition. I used to watch The Quiet Man every St. Paddy's Day, but when I realized that the Irish weren't eating corned beef and cabbage I went back to watching it when I feel like it. I also almost always watch the original The Miracle on 34th Street at Christmas but I've slacked off on that. The tradition we now mostly have is to let our loved ones pick what to watch on their birthdays, so that mostly amounts to something different every year. I can't swear to this, but I've probably watched Jaws every year at some point, at least after I bought a VCR.

P.S. Scent of a Woman takes place during Thanksgiving.
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i usually end up catching some portion of Independence Day every year for some reason or another

it's on a lot, and it's easy to just jump into and enjoy

"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

I'm a little afraid you're going to say women smell like turkeys to you, but why do you watch Scent of a Woman around Thanksgiving?
Scent of a Woman takes place during Thanksgiving.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles is another good one to watch during the Turkey Day hollidays.

i'd use to watch the original Star Wars trilogy every summer in one day. i'm not sure when the last time I did that actually since they play them on spike tv all the time I don't really get an itchin to do I have more responsibilities now

John Carpenter's The Thing @ first snowfall
Christmas Vacation @ Xmax
I've sipped white russians and watched The Big Lebowski on (or near) my past 3 bdays
and The Evil Dead, the 74' Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Shining, Night of the Living Dead (or atleast one zombie flick) and Young Frankenstein are staples around Halloween
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. ~ Jimi Hendrix

Bravheart - on my birthday

Flash Gordon - Thanksgiving or at least sometime during that weekend

Yellow Submarine - on the 4th of July
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Terminator 2 - Every month, 2nd saturday.

Fight Club - Every time I'm home alone (Mum & Dad hate this movie).

Se7en - Whenever the mood is right.

Pulp Fiction - Every month.

Lord Of The Rings - Double Feature with the original Star Wars trilogy on a lazy three day weekend.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Welcome to the human race...
My attempts at annual movie-watching rituals have slowly fallen apart this year - I didn't watch any horror movies for Halloween or anything, though whether I do anything for Christmas remains to be seen. I'm more like Ash in that I'll just watch something when I feel like it.

I rewatch movies all the time I don't have a routine it all depends on my mood what i watch
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The only "annual" type of movie watching we do is that sometime in November and December we tend to watch A Christmas Story, The Polar Express, the original Miracle on 34th Street, some version of A Christmas Carol, Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas, and It's a Wonderful Life all at least once. But I will watch It's a Wonderful Life all year round, so that's not neccessarily annually.

I wanted to have annual Star Wars and Lord of the Rings days where we'd watch all the movies straight through, but both of those events have only happened once since #1 - we have too many other things to do, and #2 - I was the only one who really wanted to do it.
"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
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Kenny, don't paint your sister.
Every year on the weekend before MLK Jr Day here in the states, I hold Cary Grant Movie Weekend at my house with my friends. Sometimes it actually falls on Cary's birthday. This January will be our 3rd annual two-day marathon. This year I'm having a Cary Jeopardy game too I'm getting excited just thinking about it. It's bigger than Christmas for me

I try to routinely watch Raiders of the Lost Ark on April 14th, the first day I ever saw it. I (and most of my family) watch It's a Wonderful Life constantly at Christmas time. I always plan to watch Titanic on December 12th, but I don't usually get around to it. It would be the fourth year for that tradition.
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