Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Angry Birds Movie:

This could have been worse than what it was. The animation is solid, and I love the character designs. Jokes are a mixed bag, but some of them are really good. Voice acting is great all around, especially from Suedekis, Bill Hader, and Peter Dinklage. The main bird is representing the parents who don't want to watch an Angry Birds movie-He's cynical and hates all of the happiness and hyperactivity around him. I can't think of another kid's movie in which a person like that is the protagonist, and it's not like he learns to be more optimistic or anything. Story structure is garbage, but I expected that. All in all a totally decent movie.

It's been a while since I've posted. I haven't watched a movie seriously enough to write about for the past half of this month. I did see Unfriended and rewatched most of The Blair Witch Project, but those were casual, half attentive viewings. Glad to get back in the swing of things. What better way to go about it than with another bad horror movie.

1408 (2007) (Directors Cut)

The critical flaw of 1408 lies in the emotional trauma that is in stark contrast to the rest of the film. The spooky, puzzle solving, nightmare scenario, collapses under the weight of its heady conclusion. These are heavy concepts and narrative structures that would be right at home in a Charlie Kaufman picture, and a Charlie Kaufman picture this is not.

Even the visual identity clashes with the very thought of a serious drama, employing laughable special effects and gaudy lighting. The sound design might be the most refined quality present, stirring anxiety at every turn. That's about as close as the craft of the director comes to keeping pace with the scope of the source material. For what it's worth, the cat scares are hardly telegraphed and exceedingly effective.

Stephen King is known more for his stories than the writing behind them, and here the filmmaking falls very short of its aspirations. It's a hot mess, but it's a lot of fun to parse out why. Ideally, remake culture could accidentally do some good in the world and try this one again. I'd watch it.

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I have to return some videotapes...
Predator (1987) -

A guilty pleasure that most people love only based on nostalgia. Probably gonna get some hate, but for me it's just the truth. Still good action regardless.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Welcome to the human race...
Predator (1987) -

A guilty pleasure that most people love only based on nostalgia. Probably gonna get some hate, but for me it's just the truth. Still good action regardless.
Well, when the only thing that you say about it is that it's got good action and then give it a
, it's bound to prompt some questions.

Speaking of

Maximum Overdrive -

Meatheaded, but not totally without merit. Plenty of scenes of carnage and AC/DC songs, but not much fun beyond that.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Our Brand is Crisis (2015)

I have to return some videotapes...
Well, when the only thing that you say about it is that it's got good action and then give it a
, it's bound to prompt some questions.

Speaking of

Maximum Overdrive -

Meatheaded, but not totally without merit. Plenty of scenes of carnage and AC/DC songs, but not much fun beyond that.
I thought the action was handled well, but the story and character development were non-existent. It's a little too basic and the film doesn't really explain anything that is going on. We don't know why the monster is there? It's got kind of a slow pace to it, with in my opinion really no build up in suspense throughout the film. I can understand them finding the skinned bodies as build up, but after that it's just kind of plodding through as we watch everybody die. I don't really understand why Schwarznegger didn't just go to the chopper with the others. I also didn't think the classic lines hit as well as I thought they would. The turn in the middle of the film regarding the rescue mission was kind of pointless to me as well. Why was that even there? In the end why didn't the Predator just kill Arnie when he had him up to the wall? Earlier they address how he didn't kill the girl because she was unarmed and it likes the thrill of the hunt, but in this case it makes no sense considering the previous ten minutes Schwarznegger was giving him a pretty good run for his money. In the end the film lacks really any substance and I didn't think the editing was that good as well. The other things I liked about it were the score and costume design/set design. I still think it's fun to watch so it almost gets to a
, I guess it was just lacking the attachment I needed to the characters. The reason Alien is such a solid movie is because you feel for Ripley and want to see her get out of this grueling situation, whereas Schwarznegger I could care less about. I'm still wondering why he didn't run to the damn chopper like the rest.

Welcome to the human race...
Fair point. I haven't watched Predator in a while, so you've definitely given me something to consider for the next time I watch it.

Inglis's Avatar
The Sum of all Fears

I thought I've never it beforehand, sadly mistaken Inglis. So I become disinterest in the Film.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Woodstock (1970) -
The Last Waltz (1989) -

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) -

The Central Park Five (2012) -

Stop Making Sense (1984) -
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) -

A solid long weekend's viewing.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Fave Woodstock performance, samoan?
Too hard to call.
1. Richie Havens
2. Joe Cocker
3. Canned Heat
4. Arlo Guthrie

Somewhere around that order at the minute. Was disappointed with Jefferson, as was looking forward to them a lot. Still, was a phenomenal showing all round. Actually makes me depressed that I wasn't there.

Good picks, Havens is a great #1. Love how he broke a string.

Santana remains my personal favorite of the concert.

Predator (1987) -

A guilty pleasure that most people love only based on nostalgia. Probably gonna get some hate, but for me it's just the truth. Still good action regardless.
How about reviewing Robocop next? Might as well finish stomping on my heart while you have it on the ground.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Good picks, Havens is a great #1. Love how he broke a string.

Santana remains my personal favorite of the concert.
Yeah, that's the type of thing that I meant, as soon as you mention Santana, it would be hard for me to leave him out. Great shout.

I rate it higher because I love it, but I think you're right about Predator. I've said numerous times on the site that, while I love it, it's something which gets worse with every viewing.
5-time MoFo Award winner.