The 2023 MoFo Film Awards


While I have everyone's attention, I do have a little questionnaire about the MoFo Film Awards that I'd appreciate everyone fill out once they have the time. If you are not comfortable posting your answers in the thread, feel free to message me instead! If you didn't participate but would like to have a say in the future of the Awards, you're welcome to share your opinions as well! The more the merrier!

1. Now that we've had a couple of years where the nominations were ranked, do you prefer this new system, or would you rather go back to each nomination being worth only 1 point?

2. We've only ever voted for 1 winner in each category. Are you happy with this, or would you prefer to rank your top 3 choices in each category instead?

3. Which group of categories do you like more:
Group A: Biggest Surprise of the Year, Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Group B: Most Overrated Film of the Year, Most Underrated Film of the Year

4. How would you feel about Best Actor and Best Actress categories that include all performances, regardless as to whether they were main roles or supporting ones?

5. Occasionally an actor will have prominent roles in multiple films that release the same year. Do you prefer nominating them for each role individually, or would you prefer simply to nominate an actor, and have it account for multiple films?

6. Do you think Animation, Documentaries and Foreign films should keep their individual categories, or should there only be a Best Film category that encompasses everything?

7. Is there are genre or type of film (such as shorts, stand-up, or music) that you think should have it's own category? If yes, please share what that is.

8. For films that technically release in one year, but aren't available globally until the following year, the current rule is that they can be nominated for the following year's awards as long as they didn't become a finalist the first year they were eligible. Are you happy with this rule as it is, or do you think it would be fair to allow films to be nominated again anyway, as long as they didn't previously win any category?

9. Currently we are given 3 months to decide on our nominations, then an additional month to vote for the winners. Are you content with this set-up, or would you prefer there to be more time after the finalists are revealed?

10. Since awards season is typically at the start of the year, we've always began the MoFo Film Awards around that time as well. Do you think this is a tradition we should continue, or would you be happy to start later, when more of the festival films and December releases are available globally?

11. If the MoFo Film Awards were to take place later in the year, would you be happy with a shorter nomination period?

12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!
1. Now that we've had a couple of years where the nominations were ranked, do you prefer this new system, or would you rather go back to each nomination being worth only 1 point?

I like the current system

2. We've only ever voted for 1 winner in each category. Are you happy with this, or would you prefer to rank your top 3 choices in each category instead?

I am happy with 1 winner in each category

3. Which group of categories do you like more:
Group A: Biggest Surprise of the Year, Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Group B: Most Overrated Film of the Year, Most Underrated Film of the Year

Group B

4. How would you feel about Best Actor and Best Actress categories that include all performances, regardless as to whether they were main roles or supporting ones?

I like lead and supporting separate

5. Occasionally an actor will have prominent roles in multiple films that release the same year. Do you prefer nominating them for each role individually, or would you prefer simply to nominate an actor, and have it account for multiple films?

I prefer nominating them for each individual performance

6. Do you think Animation, Documentaries and Foreign films should keep their individual categories, or should there only be a Best Film category that encompasses everything?

I like animation, docs, and foreign to have their own categories

7. Is there are genre or type of film (such as shorts, stand-up, or music) that you think should have it's own category? If yes, please share what that is.


8. For films that technically release in one year, but aren't available globally until the following year, the current rule is that they can be nominated for the following year's awards as long as they didn't become a finalist the first year they were eligible. Are you happy with this rule as it is, or do you think it would be fair to allow films to be nominated again anyway, as long as they didn't previously win any category?

I am happy with the rule the way it is

9. Currently we are given 3 months to decide on our nominations, then an additional month to vote for the winners. Are you content with this set-up, or would you prefer there to be more time after the finalists are revealed?

I am content with this set up

10. Since awards season is typically at the start of the year, we've always began the MoFo Film Awards around that time as well. Do you think this is a tradition we should continue, or would you be happy to start later, when more of the festival films and December releases are available globally?

We should continue with the current time frame

11. If the MoFo Film Awards were to take place later in the year, would you be happy with a shorter nomination period?

I would be okay with a shorter nomination period if needed

12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!

No suggestions at this time

Sandra Hüller, Anatomy of a Fall

If you thought Emma Stone or Lily Gladstone had this in the bag... well, you would've been close! They both tied for second.
I had to give her my vote. She gave two amazing performances last year.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Well, that was a crazy ending. I loved Holdovers, so no complaints, but wow. Proves two of my opinions. Holdovers was way better than most said. Two: Mofo hates some Nolan overall.

Good job Cosmic. Always enjoy this and I know it’s a ton of work.


Sorry in advance for so many quotes in one post haha.
I'll replay to questions tomorrow,- it's 12:40 AM where I am.
No worries, get some sleep! Thanks for staying up and following along!

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

The First Guy To Ever Win An Award:
I love fellow Canadian Ryan George!

I had to give her my vote. She gave two amazing performances last year.
Yeah, she was great in both Anatomy and Zone.

Thank you for running the event!
Thanks for running this Cosmic!
Good job Cosmic. Always enjoy this and I know it’s a ton of work.
Thank you guys, and thanks for participating!

12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!
Thanks for doing this, Cosmic. It was fun. I'm just going to give my two cents...

- Less categories. I would ditch these:
Breakout Performance
"Mixed Bag" Award
Funniest Scene
Most Memorable Scene
Most Underrated Movie
Most Overrated Movie
Biggest Disappointment
Biggest Surprise

- For best film everyone submits their top 10 list with a 10-1 points ranking.
- Have all nominations done a week before the Oscars, and all voting done a week after the Oscars.

But that's just me. Thanks again!

Thanks for doing this, Cosmic. It was fun. I'm just going to give my two cents...
Thank you, and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Have all nominations done a week before the Oscars, and all voting done a week after the Oscars.
While I think that was the original intent of the Film Awards, a lot of us wouldn't be able to see many of the biggest films of the year in time if we held the Awards to coincide with the Oscars. Because of that, I feel like doing this would limit the number of people who are willing to participate.

I forgot the opening line.
Well, that was a nice mix of "yep, I voted for that - the correct decision was made by the majority" and "wow - I'm surprised by that and I didn't vote for it, but that seems totally within the bounds of what I accept, I'm happy it won". Barring one or two "awww dammit"s. Thanks Cosmic, for doing this. The last couple of years I've had so much fun catching up on the noms I haven't seen, and it really allows me to fill out the gaps in my viewing.

As per the questions :

1. Now that we've had a couple of years where the nominations were ranked, do you prefer this new system, or would you rather go back to each nomination being worth only 1 point?

I like the ranked nominations.

2. We've only ever voted for 1 winner in each category. Are you happy with this, or would you prefer to rank your top 3 choices in each category instead?

I like having the one winner.

3. Which group of categories do you like more:
Group A: Biggest Surprise of the Year, Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Group B: Most Overrated Film of the Year, Most Underrated Film of the Year

I like both of those groups, and would be disappointed if one of them disappeared.

4. How would you feel about Best Actor and Best Actress categories that include all performances, regardless as to whether they were main roles or supporting ones?

I like the usual Best and Best Supporting categories, but it's an iffy distinction sometimes so I don't mind if there's some change there.

5. Occasionally an actor will have prominent roles in multiple films that release the same year. Do you prefer nominating them for each role individually, or would you prefer simply to nominate an actor, and have it account for multiple films?

I like nominating them for each role.

6. Do you think Animation, Documentaries and Foreign films should keep their individual categories, or should there only be a Best Film category that encompasses everything?

I like the Animation, Documentaries and Foreign film categories staying as they are.

7. Is there are genre or type of film (such as shorts, stand-up, or music) that you think should have it's own category? If yes, please share what that is.

Oh my God, HORROR needs it's own yearly category. Those films never get a chance, and it would be nice seeing the best of each year get a shot.

8. For films that technically release in one year, but aren't available globally until the following year, the current rule is that they can be nominated for the following year's awards as long as they didn't become a finalist the first year they were eligible. Are you happy with this rule as it is, or do you think it would be fair to allow films to be nominated again anyway, as long as they didn't previously win any category?

I'm happy with this as it is.

9. Currently we are given 3 months to decide on our nominations, then an additional month to vote for the winners. Are you content with this set-up, or would you prefer there to be more time after the finalists are revealed?

I'm content with this as it is.

10. Since awards season is typically at the start of the year, we've always began the MoFo Film Awards around that time as well. Do you think this is a tradition we should continue, or would you be happy to start later, when more of the festival films and December releases are available globally?

I'm easy as far as that goes

11. If the MoFo Film Awards were to take place later in the year, would you be happy with a shorter nomination period?

That's fine

12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!

As you can see, I'm pretty content with things as they are. Did we once have a Funniest Comedy category? I would have voted Bottoms, and I was disappointed Theater Camp didn't get a nom, but now I'm rambling about this year's results instead of offering a suggestion. Yeah, I'd just like a Best Horror and maybe Funniest Comedy category.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

Welcome to the human race...
forgot to send in a ballot. can't argue with most of the winners, i guess. thanks for running it, cr.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
1. Ranked is good, but I don't have strong feelings either way

2. One winner for most categories, but a top 3 for best film.

3. Group A

4. I prefer lead and supporting separate.

5. Each role

6. Individual

7. I can't think of any but don't object to others being included

8. Happy with the rule as is

9. It's enough time

10. I like it to coincide with awards season.

11. I wouldn't like it to be later

12. I would combine the funniest/most memorable scene categories.

forgot to send in a ballot. can't argue with most of the winners, i guess. thanks for running it, cr.
Thanks for following along! I can remind you next year to submit a ballot if you'd like.

12. I would combine the funniest/most memorable scene categories.
Thanks for your feedback! I actually didn't include this in the questionnaire because I plan to do it anyway. The new category will simply be Best Scene, unless someone has a better idea for a name.

Oh my God, HORROR needs it's own yearly category. Those films never get a chance, and it would be nice seeing the best of each year get a shot.
That's a great suggestion! There are usually a number of horror films nominated in a variety of categories, but they often wind up just shy of making it into anything other than Underrated or Disappointment.

1. Now that we've had a couple of years where the nominations were ranked, do you prefer this new system, or would you rather go back to each nomination being worth only 1 point?
I can't decide. Both have pros and cons. I think 1 point per nomination would allow more mid tier movies to be nominated. For example 10 Cloverfield Lane got nominations during 2016 awards, which it might not have if nominating was ranked. On the other hand last year Sissy was nominated and I suspect me and The Usual Suspect placed it at the top of our ballots to give it 10 points, which pushed it to being official MoFo nomination. So I'm fine either way. You should decide what suites you best.
2. We've only ever voted for 1 winner in each category. Are you happy with this, or would you prefer to rank your top 3 choices in each category instead?
1 winner.
3. Which group of categories do you like more:
Group A: Biggest Surprise of the Year, Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Group B: Most Overrated Film of the Year, Most Underrated Film of the Year
I like both.
4. How would you feel about Best Actor and Best Actress categories that include all performances, regardless as to whether they were main roles or supporting ones?
Keep them separate.
5. Occasionally an actor will have prominent roles in multiple films that release the same year. Do you prefer nominating them for each role individually, or would you prefer simply to nominate an actor, and have it account for multiple films?
For each role individually.
6. Do you think Animation, Documentaries and Foreign films should keep their individual categories, or should there only be a Best Film category that encompasses everything?
I don't mind whatever way.
7. Is there are genre or type of film (such as shorts, stand-up, or music) that you think should have it's own category? If yes, please share what that is.
PHOENIX74 had a good idea to have Horror and Comedy categories. Only comedies shouldn't be judged on how funny they are, but by how good of a movie they are, so there shouldn't be Funniest added to Comedy category. The same goes with horror,- not how scary, but how good.
8. For films that technically release in one year, but aren't available globally until the following year, the current rule is that they can be nominated for the following year's awards as long as they didn't become a finalist the first year they were eligible. Are you happy with this rule as it is, or do you think it would be fair to allow films to be nominated again anyway, as long as they didn't previously win any category?
I'm happy with this rule as it is.
9. Currently we are given 3 months to decide on our nominations, then an additional month to vote for the winners. Are you content with this set-up, or would you prefer there to be more time after the finalists are revealed?
I'm content with this set-up.
10. Since awards season is typically at the start of the year, we've always began the MoFo Film Awards around that time as well. Do you think this is a tradition we should continue, or would you be happy to start later, when more of the festival films and December releases are available globally?
I think this is a tradition we should continue.
11. If the MoFo Film Awards were to take place later in the year, would you be happy with a shorter nomination period?
12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!
You, as a host, have the ultimate decision of how things will be. And you should exercise that decision.

1. Now that we've had a couple of years where the nominations were ranked, do you prefer this new system, or would you rather go back to each nomination being worth only 1 point?

The new system works well.

2. We've only ever voted for 1 winner in each category. Are you happy with this, or would you prefer to rank your top 3 choices in each category instead?

One winner feels more appropriate.

3. Which group of categories do you like more:
Group A: Biggest Surprise of the Year, Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Group B: Most Overrated Film of the Year, Most Underrated Film of the Year

Group B

4. How would you feel about Best Actor and Best Actress categories that include all performances, regardless as to whether they were main roles or supporting ones?

I like having both. It gives the supporting actors a chance to shine.

5. Occasionally an actor will have prominent roles in multiple films that release the same year. Do you prefer nominating them for each role individually, or would you prefer simply to nominate an actor, and have it account for multiple films?

I'm indifferent.

6. Do you think Animation, Documentaries and Foreign films should keep their individual categories, or should there only be a Best Film category that encompasses everything?

As with supporting actors, i like the separate categories. It gives them a chance to shine.

7. Is there are genre or type of film (such as shorts, stand-up, or music) that you think should have it's own category? If yes, please share what that is.

Horror, definitely.

8. For films that technically release in one year, but aren't available globally until the following year, the current rule is that they can be nominated for the following year's awards as long as they didn't become a finalist the first year they were eligible. Are you happy with this rule as it is, or do you think it would be fair to allow films to be nominated again anyway, as long as they didn't previously win any category?

Only once.

9. Currently we are given 3 months to decide on our nominations, then an additional month to vote for the winners. Are you content with this set-up, or would you prefer there to be more time after the finalists are revealed?

3 months is plenty of time.

10. Since awards season is typically at the start of the year, we've always began the MoFo Film Awards around that time as well. Do you think this is a tradition we should continue, or would you be happy to start later, when more of the festival films and December releases are available globally?

Starting early is fine. The 3 month window already resolves this issue, in my opinion.

11. If the MoFo Film Awards were to take place later in the year, would you be happy with a shorter nomination period?


12. Do you have a suggestion that is not covered by any of the above questions? If so, please share it!

Nope. Thank you!

On the other hand last year Sissy was nominated and I suspect me and The Usual Suspect placed it at the top of our ballots to give it 10 points, which pushed it to being official MoFo nomination.
Yeah, just a few people ranking a film high can push it past one that had more people giving it only a couple points each, especially in categories were the votes are very spread out. Even though it's more work for me, I do prefer the ranked nominations for that reason.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!